Imagination, The Thing That Mends Us To Part.

He knew of no reason to care for the season, snow or rain, sun or plane. he sat there and thought for a reason to treason, lighting the gunpower and aimed, to his justice he truly proclaimed. his blood fell into the river, his domain.


S5 Ep9-The Werewolves of Gaia

#9 of the heroes of gaia (season 5) the dark side of a gaian wolf the first appearance of a gaian werewolf was way back in season one when artemis reverted into one out of stress.

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Smoke and rubber ch1.

"so,i'm out for the rest of the season?," i ask, "i'm afraid so," my crew cheif replies. "so, the rest of 65'& 66'?," "yep" "shit!," tp be continued...

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Lust or Destruction?

.** **d) an apocalypse where all the pokemon are in their mating season and all-male.


Towers of Seshin: The Twelve

**doxy, the gray bear of time** _"the sleeping giant"_ doxy is the fourth oldest god and the keeper of the seasons. the bear spends most of his time sleeping, only waking to start each and every day and when the next season needs to begin.

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Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, end notes

/ kyle spent his freshman year on the jv battle team, earning a fairly good record through both the fall dual meet season and the spring challenge meet season.

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"the crews of all five ships have been dismissed for the season. we shall have to contact the admiralty to have them rounded up. there are supplies to lay on.

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Plain-walker: Chapter 2

It took me a season to discover and another season to master, but i did it! the whole thing! no one else has ever accomplished such a thing, but i did!" ranza's brow furrowed as he grinned at his lover. "did _what,_ ruik?" "the book of gyógytüz!"

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S5 Ep14-Dudley Bernard Saikou's past

#14 of the heroes of gaia (season 5) it seems that those who seem to be the most "perfect" aren't truly perfect dudley was born on november 3rd 2000 making him 19 years old and a month older than artemis and solaris.

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A Pure Winter - medium poem

Yule really is a beautiful season. i hope you enjoy this poem like i do. this was written on 12/13/2016. written by me, fane star. the snow silently falls. trees have shed their leaves. the wreaths hang on doors and walls.

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S5 Ep11-The Return of Dudley Saikou

#11 of the heroes of gaia (season 5) so he wasn't dead?

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