A New Life - Land of Magic Series - Chapter 8

They rarely see magic. they rarely see ones like you." "i won't do it" snorted burrows. "not even now?" verius asked, and brought up an amulet which he let dangle in front of him. burrows looked at it with a slight annoyance.

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The Great and Powerful Backstory!

None of the other foals seem to really take notice of trixie, she's always been there, more acknowledged as a part of the scenery than another pony, rarely did she talk to anypony, and equally rare was there reason for anypony to talk to her.

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Guide to Fatal Radiance

Punishment is not allowed to exceed the crime, but can fall below and thus in some rare cases even be forgiven or dealt with a mandebod (blood money).

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Reincarnated as an Orc in a Fantasy Land Ch. 3

Hp was in the mid-twenties to thirties, and rarely a forty would pop up, like the chieftain, he was midrange forties. his parents, although kind, were also in the middle range, neither had a stat over fifteen.

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After the Storm - Part 17 [The Aura]

This ability, though useful, advantageous and high-on-demand it is, it is a very rare ability as the aura's original intention was to put the hurt on the enemies.

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He really took those words to heart, and they're rarely far from his mind.

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Cherry Cordial Chaos

This is one of only 250 boxes with rare 'hypra cherries' a unique tasting fruit with a euphoric finish." not bad, considering they were only recently found in a recent underground exploration and determined to be safe to consume.

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Hero, Chapter 4 - By the Flowing River

And thanks for getting all that stuff; a lot of these herbs are pretty rare around here." he nodded in acknowledgement and began to work on the fire while she rummaged through the herbs that he had collected.

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Berserker Part 1: Joining The Pack

They had all known of his rare visits but why was he here now? what could have brought the strange hermit from his small home in the depths of the forest to this crowded tavern?

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The Friendly City

Passing a rare/used bookstore. passing a domino's pizza ... boone county social services ... a drugstore. memorial park. lebanon high school. approaching the niche where the theater was located.

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