Care Bears Family Adventures: Book 1, Chapter 1
Instead of running, the new cub just stared back at her for a moment, and then looked down to the female cub still hiding behind her mother's leg. the girl cub shrank back a bit more for an instant, and then peeked out and looked back at the blue cub.
Panda Puppy Action: Chapter 4
#4 of panda puppy action puppy quickly opened his eyes, looking up at his pastel ceiling, smiling slightly, from last night. he smirked and spoke to himself, " damn, last night was great..."
'Beyond the Cave' short story from Furry Migration 2016
cub did not listen well. cub barked angry at wolf, then she thrashed cub's cheek. in the blink of an eye, cub ran off into darkness, and did not return for many nights. wolf grew worried for cub, and did not want cub to be gone.
Babypups part 2
The pups wagged their tails with crinkles as sierra set the tray down then picked the pups up and took them to two high chairs and sets them in them, she then started to feed the pups the puppy food which they ate happily, after they finished sierra took them
A Small Adventure for a Small Dragon
The multicoloured hatchling hissed and growled at them, keeping them back. femzy scooped the black hatchling towards her, holding him close to her chest as he wriggled and complained.
It’s Mine Forever
Eli smiled as the cub quickly ran to his side. slowly they crept up to the castle until the cub could see their visitor. "what is it?" the cub asked wide eyed. it looked like a spider but bigger and had pinchy looking claws.
F.S.S. DRACONUS Day One Part 2
Sundawn asked the cub, although shi already knew the cub's name. shi wanted to hear it from the cub, as well as make hir a little less nervous. the cub looked up at steph then at tanya and solarblaze before shi softly whispered. "i'm winterbreeze.
The Fall: Prologue
The colt looked hurt, and brontius felt a little pang of grief at the sight of the youngster's sadness, remembering another youngster far away who was altogether more serious than the shire colt.
The Best Puppy Ever
Then he leaves me, my masters, and my new puppy alone together. bree holds the puppy down to me and lets me press my muzzle lightly against her head. i can tell my masters are pleased with my puppy too.
Kip's and Ashley's family
Ashley smiles seeing that her mother and father are waiting for her with their couples and four pups. kip's pups get excited seeing the other pups, kip's family gets close and salute to the other ones. "well, it is hour that you know your cousins."
Adventures in Kittensitting
The kitten let out a large yawn as if just to emphasize this. the only duty left... putting the kitten to bed. that seemed a challenging endeavor.