Shadow Warrior: The Great Enemy - Ch.1 revised
According to the followers letter, it tells about a prophecy about the dark one who shall be feared to all is planned to be released within the next full moon" jeerraden stepped in with shock, "you don't mean, the dark one that caused all of this whole mess
Since time immemorial, all the sentient species had wondered what the dreams meant- premonitions, prophecies, religious revelation, and not a single sane creature was immune from dreaming. mr.
#1 of the archives the start of a new series involving magic, prophecy, shape shifters and the fate of an entire world. in humanity, magic occurs when we interact with magical beings. demons, gods, spirits, fairies, dragons.
Soul of Fire - Prologue
She gave to me a prophecy: 'a star is coming, it will burn in the heavens both day and night. it will bleed the skies, and darken the earth. it will fracture the veil.
The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 1 - Prolog
_he must have gotten a really bad prophecy or dream from them._ water star thought while he began to look forward and said " fine. i give you my promise but in return i await something. " " and what?" half star asked.
The Other Hunter
I think a moment then it dawns on me and i look up at starburst, "is my little gwen the one of prophecy?" the dragon nods his head slowly, "and each of us knows that means at least one of us will die."
The Demon King's Revenge - Prologue
What if he ended up fulfilling the prophecy and kills us all?" "foolish question," cyrus retorted. "you think this is the first time the divines sent an other-worldly hero? no. those sky crones have done this before, numerous times even.
The Furry Dead (Medieval Style) Chapter IV
Only a fool listens to prophecy when he can see sense says to do otherwise! the undead are coming this way down the road, they will be here in minutes!"
Beast Wars Shattered Glass (unfinished idea)
It quickly became evident to both factions that they had arrived on earth, some 200 years after the great war prophecied in the "conspiracies of unicron", and with this knowledge, both factions have their own agendas to fulfill: the predacons discovering a
Shadow Cradle Chapters 4+5
They tell me these are the prophecies that are scratched onto the wall. i don't understand what a prophecy is but they seem important somehow, like they involve lots of people's lives or their futures...
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:1
To the wolves, the discovery of zootopia was fated, finally confirming anja's prophecy and leaving them ecstatic."_ _"this new land was to be its own nation, not owned by any one country according to king richard.
Demigod Chronicles Chapter 1: Curse of the Sunken City
Shi suddenly remembered the lines of the prophecy about the ship failing to waves of frost and shi dashed to the entrance to the lower deck."wave we hit something."