Star Fox Reborn Prologue

The prologue to my fanfic; introduces some characters and conflicts and...things like that!

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Elite Force: Chapter 1

It is added since the prologue describing it will not be present on this site.) he was a grey wolf with white on his paws and ears, firmly built and kind as could be. i looked up to him more than anyone. i wanted to be like him when i grew up.

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Untitled - Prologue (WIP?)

In the broader scope of things, i might start this as a prologue of sorts to a story. that's why i gave it the subtitle of "prologue." it's something about a beast from another world who is lost, but i won't give away too much about the story from here.

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Warriors Dawning Prologue

. ^^'' this is the prologue of my warriors fanfiction; it's set before the main storyline, during the main characters' kithood. **prologue** twigkit's jaws parted wide, and he let out a huge yawn.

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Dreamers: Prologue

**dreamers: prologue** for as long as i can remember i have had very vivid dreams. some call it lucid dreaming but i think it is something far different.

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Serval and Sheep Prologue: SIDE SERVAL

I don't really have much to say, so i suppose i'll see you next time with the final part of the prologue. take it easy and stay safe! the end of another match.

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- Celesteon, the Apprentice of Light - Prologue Part 2

End prologue part 2 ~~~[]~~~ ok so that is the official ending of the whole prologue. next release will be the start of the main story.

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Prologue to The kings of Dust

This is the prologue to the novel "kings of dust". **prologue** the air stood still around him, like his surroundings; it was frosted, sharp and unmoving. there was neither breeze nor draft daring enough to disturb this place.

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Guardian Storm. Part 1

#1 of pokemon mystery dungeon guardian storm prologue and first chapter of my pmd story, guardian storm. very original title which i may or may not change at some point. this is the start of a series i'll be writing.

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My Life as a Dragon Slave Book 2 Prologue

**my life as a dragon slave: book 2** **prologue** **i had seen my review on my last chapter and had realized that it did not go well as planned. i must've done it in a rush and made many errors.

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Two Worlds: Prologue

\<\<\<\>\>\> all right, second prologue finished. if people want to i will try to continue the story and any others people find appealing.

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Neroindra -- Prologue

prologue bounding through the extended halls of the smaller abode, the pink furred lion ran from his elder brother. azraelis often picked on and chased his younger, pink brother colsen.

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