Scott's Remote | Chapter 13

She was playing a pre-recorded track of herself!" he realized. "was she trying to hypnotize me?" he thought, but was interrupted by a soft wet sound coming from his diaper.

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Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 1: Guide

This document is pre-loaded into every scientific research presenter given out, and cannot be removed.

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Tenerife Airport Disaster

Cockpit and atc tower communications these communications are taken from the cockpit voice recorders of both aircraft, as well as from the tenerife control tower's tapes. 1705:36-1706:32 1705:36.7 [klm first officer mazeh ceng completes pre-flight

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TCN interview: Byron Orr

As with all individual interviews, this one follows a pre established set of questions. if you have questions that were not asked here, please feel free to leave them below and we will add them to the list of viewer asked questions.

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Excerpt: Every Breath Closer - Inhuman Acts Anthology

Moseley, nicholas hardin, and bill kieffer stunning cover art by seylyn editorial machinations by ocean tigrox inhuman acts will be first perpetrated at rainfurrest 2015 in the sordid den of furplanet, from whom the anthology can be pre-ordered.

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The End Of All

He certainly couldn't recall it from his fragmented pre-impact memory. but something about the impulse just felt... _right._ perhaps switch had built it into him when he had repaired the helpless, barely functioning droid?

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Eight: Labyrinthine

Original draft - pre-editing this story was written as part of the 2016 national novel writing month. it was written without edits between 12:01am, november 1st and 11:59pm, november 30th.

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Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Part One - “Saeldrin”, Chapter Two: The Prey

Original draft - pre-editing this story was written as part of the 2016 national novel writing month. it was written without edits between 12:01am, november 1st and 11:59pm, november 30th.

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Gemini – Chapter 2: Realisation

The guard simply stood there staring straight ahead at nothing and said as if pre-recorded, "i have been left here to inform you that the meteor has been collected and the area has been declared safe." then he just galloped off.

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After Leaving

Story, leaving, pre comming home my life after her? to say the least it was filled with cheap smokey motel rooms on some long forgotten roads buried under by the appearance of highways. to say honestly i don't remember where i went or where i have been.

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To be fair (which as we all know the universe never is) daniel jurgensen should have been spending as much time as a boy could playing outside, enjoying life, and having that youthful vigor that only pre-teens can have.

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Don't cry wolf 3

Blitzar slowly walked into central park and sat at a pre determined bench. he pulled out some bread that he had bought. birds started to congregate around the bench wanting some of it.

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