Migratory Birds- Chapter 6- Nightforest

She was shaken by an outbreak of grief and exhaustion. it had been too much for her, she was at the very limit of her powers.

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Mazes and Micros

"unfortunately for the enemy goblins, living in such close quarters in their camps has led to an outbreak of the contrivance flu. it's so lethal, it kills 1 in 5 goblins infected, even if they're polymorphed.

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Migratory Birds - Chapter 19 - Crash

Jiddy pressed her lips together and then she clenched her teeth and in a sudden outbreak of anger she kicked her feet.

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Episode 2A: No Sleep

On a station, there are the occasional injuries and outbreaks, but being in the thick of the action on a starship while under fire is something else.

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Ultra Heavy Black

_"many strong creatures within relied on a specific power known as outbreaks, which produced a massive pool of extra energy to the user."_ "and the weapon would take that energy and send it directly towards their brain. likely killing them..."

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Angels of Aurum 8 - Interstellar Infiltration

_"an outbreak in the lower labs! one of the experiments has gone out of control and escaped!"_ "how dangerous is it?!"

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WeylandYutaniCorporation Date Log22361AG

And indeed, the correct phrase here was 'those who could,' as eisnor was under interplanetary blockade due to an epidemic outbreak that the imperial media and propaganda department had strictly forbidden any mention or discussion of.

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Episdoe 3B: The Naked Eternity

I have informed the captain that he had, for some unknown reason, removed his glove down on the research station and he was the source of the xenovirus outbreak. my report will note this to starfleet and the captain only.

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Episode 3C: Kill the Moon

Everyone was also still dealing with the fallout from the outbreak of the polywater virus that had caused some rather erratic behavior among the crew.

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Shadows move in pairs

Tails, not expecting this type of outbreak, fell down on his bottom once more. the white tips of his two tails had turned a bright red with all the blood and white mixed together. big looked down at his fox friend, "i'm sorry...i didn't mean to.

Hurricane Kim Chapter 24

A member of the council he had approached earlier in a bid to find food for all the children of the egg affected by the outbreak of violence.

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Red Hypergiant (Act 2) - All Pain Is Gone

outbreak, so to speak. as in here, not blisterbark." "and you do?" another growl in question.

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