The 3 Bored Cats
3 little cats looked out a glass door
at the rain that continued to pour and pour
all 3 were sad, for there was nothing to do
the name of the first cat the leader of the crew
his name was Steven
he thought to himself the he'd not...
Cute, Kitten, Other, Poem, Rhyming, Story Poetry
The sun has given into encroaching
Night, at last relieving me of the light
A stillness, my love, is fast approaching.
The earth has swallowed the revealing sun,
Its stomach churning deep with the star's might,
For you, my love, all that's left...
Day, Death, Love, Other, Poetry, earth, life, sonnet
Reading the other stories is not strictly necessary, but would be an aid to comprehension.
i'm tired of playing games, of looking for someone else to blame
for all the holes in answers that are clearly showing.
Crime Drama, Hermaphrodite, Other, Political, Sci-Fi, Science
Selfishness guided by lack of caution.
Altruism is dead. Was it alive?
Or is this just a pure selfish passion?
Destruction of the self leads right to love
But without the self one ceases to strive
For dreams, releasing the white mourning dove.
Altruism, Ayn Rand, Love, Other, Philosophy, Poetry, sonnet
**Just something i wrote up to vent my frustrations after two weeks of straight work w/ not breaks and multiple chewing outs by my asshole boss. T.T
Generally what I felt like. This is written in the form of a prisoner having a conversation with...
Other, Prison, dont, feel, here, like, putting, that, words
Name: Zelian Zeledin
Race: Ssol-Arian lizard
Gender: Male
Height: 5 foot
Tail length: 3 foot
Weight: 56kg
Body type: Slender
Ssol-Arian lizard race Details:
The Ssol-Arian males are usually dark green where the females are of a...
Fursona ref, Lizard, Other, Ssol-Arian race ref
The female quirked a brow and looks andrios over, he stands at about 6 ft 9, skinny, brown hair and fairly pale skin, wearing a gray 3 piece suit, the only truly remarkable feature about him is his eyes, one of them was a stark, pale gray, while the other
Clean, Demon, No-Yiff, Story Series, Vampire, assorted others
Narcenac jumped to the side, the others running on without noticing. with a roar of defiance, the young tiger slashed at the beast with his claws, his other paw reaching for the knife at his waist.
Battle, Other, Rising Anew, Violet Tiger, War Cries