official haven prologue

Story by kitarl on SoFurry

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OK, here is the completed prologue, once I Finnish figuring out chapter 1, it too will be put up, the way it is now.....its campy, I try to avoid campy, so, enjoy, relax, sit back, have a spot of tea, and let haven do its thing


Andrios walked into Sanctuary, calm collected, and confident he was going to get this job, as he steps in hes met by a 5 ft female who was well rounded and looked as if she could take out a whole battalion single-handedly, she had spiked hair, a tank that stopped just above her belly button which was pierced, and her pants and jacket were leather, the jacket fairly loose fitting, the pants hugging her curves very nicely, leaving not much to the imagination despite the amount of material, His eyes were quickly drawn to her teeth, which looked like they belonged at home in a dogs mouth...or a wolfs, he barely had time to take in the fact she was wearing combat boots before she spoke, her voice clear and no-nonsense, a slight hint of a growl creeping into it, "What do you want here?" Andrios pauses for but a moment and goes on, "I'm here for the job listing in the post yesterday, is this Sanctuary?" The female quirked a brow and looks Andrios over, he stands at about 6 ft 9, skinny, brown hair and fairly pale skin, wearing a gray 3 piece suit, the only truly remarkable feature about him is his eyes, one of them was a stark, pale gray, while the other was pitch black, like looking into a black hole, she regards him coolly and glances over at what looks like a giant statue of a man in a similar outfit, his pants baggy leather, tank top tucked in and a leather jacket, his boots were huge, and Andrios mistook him for a statue at first glance until she spoke to him, he stayed in the shadow of the door, "what do you think Quint, will she accept him?" The statuesque man turns and looks at Andrios, his eyes hidden behind a pair of black sunglasses reminiscent of the old terminator movies, Andrios guessed he was around 9 ft tall and looked like he could sub as a small room with how he was built, his voice sounded like gravel being coated in tar, "hope so, don't think we can handle another reject like that last one." The giant pointed at a small hallway at the back of the bar, "youll find Claire's office in that hallway, hers is the door at the back, can't miss it." He smiled, his teeth unnaturally white, and what looks to be fangs for canines glinting a bit, "good luck." Andrios nods and starts back after thanking them, they both looked somewhat shocked by it, but he thought nothing of it, as he heads down the bar, he glances around, the inside seemed so much bigger than the outside portrayed it to be, he glanced around and when he got to the end of the bar, he stopped and looked around, there were pulsing lights in varying shades, from green to crimson red, from purple to black, and a few interesting shades of blue he'd never seen before. Andrios further looked around, he noted the dance floor which was full of people all swaying to the rhythm of the pounding tracks in their own way, the floor was tiled, a classic black and white checkered floor pattern, he then looked over the veritable sea of tables and the many conversations therein, he saw covered alcoves in the back, smoke pouring a bit out of a few of them, and as the air and the rhythm of the track on the stereo changed he caught a few giggles and sounds that he couldn't tell whether they were fighting or having a good old-fashioned snog back there. He then turned his attentions to the bar, it was very long, and to his surprise, he didn't see anyone behind it, yet, as empty glasses were placed on the bar, he barely blinked and they were full again, he blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes, chalking it up to the strobing light messing with his vision, he then turned to look at the DJ station in the back, all he could make out, (aside from the usual setup as he'd seen in sevral movies) was a white figure bobbing back and forth, as if he was captivated by his own beats, he shook his head and headed into the hallway. He was surprised to find the noise died down a lot the second he stepped into the hallway, he looked down and saw there were 4 doors lining the hallway, 2 on each side, and a big old oak double door at the very back, Andrios took that as the managers office and headed back there, looking over the door as he arrived, fighting his curiosity as he passed one of the cracked doors where he'd heard growls and grumbling from behind it, it was a good solidly constructed pair of doors, and he noted the solid bronze Plaqard that said with large print, CLAIRE UNDERTONE, underneath which, in smaller letters read, PROPRIETOR AND TOP OF HAVEN. "Top of Haven?" he said to himself aloud, musing for a moment before a strong female voice called out from behind the door, "I am assuming your hear for the job posting in the paper, or your new here, anyway it is, please to come in and sit down, Ill be with you shortly." Andrios started a bit, he didn't think he'd been that loud, but he sheepishly opened the door and stopped dead in his tracks, the office wasn't anything at all like he'd imagine a night club owners office being like, he'd imagined a small hole-in-the-wall office, instead he felt like he was on the set of the Godfather part 1, complete with the desk, the only difference was that the desk was off to the side and the the back wall of the office was a giant window, the funny thing was, although light was pouring in through the window, it, but he couldn't quite put his finger on how, he walked over and calmly sat in one of the very high-backed leather chairs, his hands touched the armrests and he could feel that the chairs were very old and well tended, feeling smooth yet strong under his hands, he then noted the high-backed leather swivel chair behind the desk, its back pointed his way, he could hear someone moving behind it, as if digging through something intently, he then noted there were a few small filing cabinets behind the desk and guessed thats what she was doing, since there was no one else in the room, he takes in the grandeur of the office as she turns around, she appears to be roughly 5 ft 6 from what he could tell from where he was sitting, a bit thin but really good-looking nonetheless, cute rounded face and frame in all, the only odd thing, besides the tri-colored hair in a ponytail, red, green, and a color he couldn't quite identify, was the fact that her eyes were somewhere between blood red and molten gold, then she smiled, her teeth a perfect white, while her canines seemed to be more fang-like, like the big male bouncer in the front, Andrios caught himself getting lost looking into her eyes and quickly shook his head, speaking calmly which slightly surprised him, "I'm here about your posting in the paper for a busser/ordertaker." She nods, smirking a bit from how he had lost himself for a moment, "ah, I see, well the good news is, we haven't filled the position, the bad news, you need to work a test shift to see if we can use you." Andrios nods, "that's fine ma'am, I grew up on a farm and I'm used to a lot of walking and running around while remembering orders." She nods thoughtfully, "that helps, and please hun, don't call me ma'am, I'm too old to be anyones ma'am." He pauses for a moment, unsure of what to say next, as she starts again, " call me Claire, and be back here by 5 tomorrow evening for your first shift, or don't be back at all, and be warned, a lot of our patrons and staff don't always look.....normal." "what do you mean ma'- Claire?" She quirks a brow and smiles, her teeth glittering slightly, "just don't freak out to bad tomorrow, see you then hun." With that, Claire stands to show him out, he finally notices that she is wearing a 3-piece suit thats a nice shade of gangster gray, her shoes are a nice soft leather brown loafers, as they reach the door, she snaps her fingers as if recalling something and says, "show up in something comfortable, it gets.....busy around here sometimes." "lot of customers?" "You can say that." he nods, thanks her for the opportunity and leaves. As the door clicks shut behind him a strong male voice speaks up behind Claire, "nice kid, human?" She nods, not turning around, and heads for a little kitchenette hidden not far from the desk, opening the mini-fridge and looking around inside, yeah, he shows promise, he didnt seem rattled by quint and slash, if his being able to wal into my office confidently is any indication, and he didnt get lost in my gaze for very long either, he actualy seemed calm, rather than the last poor bloke who was screaming 'is head off with fear, I don't think the poor kid has ever seen necroshadow black either." She chuckles as she pulls out a bag of red liquid, almost black looking from the amount in the bag, the medical sticker on the front labeled in bold letters saying O- PROPERTY OF OHALLAND HOSPITAL, she sinks her now overly large canines into the bag and drains it in seconds, and then wipes her mouth as he speaks, "your hair is reverting faster each time, isn't it, as I recall, you dyed it indigo, blood orange, and neon green last week?" "Yeah, looks like its starting to catch up with me....again." She finally looks at the man standing next to her desk, half sitting on it, wearing a Grey power suit with his blond hair tied carefully in a ponytail behind him, wearing sunglasses that make him look as if he was an agent from the matrix movies, she smirks a bit, her teeth still slightly red from the meal, "ah, the evil businessman look today, they must want something." He smiles and nods slowly, his teeth just as dazzling white as hers, "you know them well, they are becoming restless, they want someone new they can present us with alongside you when we go public on the new year." She nods and sits back in her chair after dumping the blood bag and walking over to her desk, pushing him off of it gently, sighing, "I know, who knows, maybe hell be the one we've been after, if he survives his first week, hell have an excellent shot at making it with us. He quirks a brow, "really, think hell be ready to go public with us in one year? or that he'll last that long? as I recall, the last one kinda felt the fire after he had a run-in with a couple hellfire demons." She nods, "yes, but this one I think will make it,the other one was too arrogant, this one seems humble, and may even be in tune." he raises both brows at this, " that would be impressive." "I know, don't worry Melneise, we should be ready in time." Outside, haven, Andrios gets into the car and heads out to get ready for tomorrow night, for his first shift.