Cross Country Chapter 1
A few of the class bullies started making their rounds, going after the nerds and outcasts of the class.
What made me mad about that was that she didn't need glasses, and therefore, didn't look like the typical nerdy girl in the least. as much as i found her odd, i found her enticing as well, and wondered what my chances were with her.
Song of the Soul: Getting Acquainted (Ch 1)
Holly couldn't help but find her adorable--alphys had the nerdy look about her with the glasses and the front teeth that stuck out, but she had a warmth and kindness to her that extended to her face. it put holly at ease, for some reason.
Tribal Diplomacy
Your book nerd really didn't teach you much, did he? fucking moon club, no wonder he didn't want you here. watch and learn kids." she said with an air of sarcasm, her own tail lashing about.
Chapter 9
I had glasses, but i never wore them, not because i thought they were nerdy- which, with the glasses my parents got me, they were- but also because i just didn't were stuff on my head. no hats, beanies, glasses, sunglasses, nothing like that at all.
CyberLove: New Beginnings
Aria is looking for a fellow nerd who can combat her sexuality and libido"- jasmine says as she chuckles louder than what she should have, causing aria to groan at her annoyance. "why? why me?"
Owed Favor
Mostly strength (popular jocks) or teleportation (creepy nerd guy), but i am the first morpher in our community. well, except margret, but she can only change the color of her skin and hair so its not really the same.
Epilogue: A Short Story
Big nerd, kinda awkward to talk to, but a real good guy underneath." he went silent and closed his eyes, focusing on the wind as it blew through his fur. "speakin' of teushko--i haven't forgotten about him. he's doing great.
Dirty Paws
"you're a joke, a nerd, and a wimp." tears began to well up in my eye and i slowly began to weep. i drifted off to an uncomfortable sleep that was haunted with visions of my father, sad and disappointed with his son.
Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 9
About that, the guards don't know and neither does rex and i don't want them transferring me into a more secure cell," we nodded and he continued, "i have always been smart even before the eclipse, you could say that i'm your typical computer geek or tech nerd
This is an excerpt from the diary of martin, a 17-year-old nerdy fox who lives in one of these places, named plano, outside the city of dallas. diary of martin johansson, september 15, 2007 i hate the high school i attend, stephen f.
Hoping for Something, A prologue
Well that being the worst of it all, i would eventually make friends with other nerdy people similar to myself (not necessarily gay/bi or whatever, but there was kyros, that one kid who looked better than his gf in a dress...).