The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Four

Margret showed me the screen of the monitor and i saw the rolling forest the kokiris call home, the vast desert of the gerudo, the volcano that is the home of the goron, and the only waterfall in that world, home to the mysterious zora.

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E.U.R.O Chapter 3

Several monitors lined the rooms walls, and uniformed crew were sat at desks.

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Isolation-Excerpt 34-True Intentions

Crazy was on the monitor. he was...changing. his face was almost completely glazed over with what looked a little like the material my visor was made out of.

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Chapter 16: outbreak part 1

Naomi had managed to get galinoth hooked up to what she called a life monitor; she explained while she was attaching it to galinoth that it monitors a person's heartbeat. when she had it hooked up a constant beeping emanated from it. "is that bad?"

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A Terrible Start ~ Part 2

He pressed a button on the monitor and wrote something on his notepad. kyle opened his mouth again, but again no sound came out. the doctor noticed him and pulled something off the shelf behind kyle.

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Journey to another world ch49

She sees that everyone is looking up at the boys heart monitor and brain wave patterns. "just a second ago, i could have sworn that his heart was about to give out. but now?"

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BX-132 Chapter 6

Looking into one of the monitoring cameras he continued. "reported cause of death is listed as unknown, with radiation poisoning suspected. that premises is supported by prei-mortem fur loss..."

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Inside, Outside, Clear

And eyed the monitor. the lead pack of cars was heading into turn three. approaching turn four. and then turning onto the front stretch. their roar picked up pace. in the distance. closer, closer, like coming rockets.

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Raven Wolf - Book 01 - Chapter 02

She rests her head in her left hand as she taps a pen she is holding against a photo of teddy her computer monitor was displaying.

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Why Pinkie Pie Smiles

The hoof fell after a few moments, and the pegasus gave a shuddering gasp, convulsing slightly, before his body went still, and a soft droning began to echo from the monitor.

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Fathom's Phantoms, Ch 23: After-Effects

"it looks like we might have a few systems out of alignment... get over to monitor two and give me the readings."

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Patient 0731 [Comm]

What lay before him was a large computer system, with several large displays showing black screens, assumably for security monitoring.

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