A troll after my own heart

I don't know if it was the thirst, or the water itself, but as i felt the liquid going down my throat, my body shook with pleasure, a low humming expressing my gratitude.

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Suncrest - Chapter 5

Their fur glowed red, liquid flowing through their body and spreading across their veins. when the bottle was clear, tea let out a loud belch. "ah. oh. here it comes!" the glow extended across tea's body like red tribal tattoos.

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The Children of Eryth: Royalty (Chapter 2)

Looking forward, i noticed something odd at the spot where the black liquid landed. "guys, don't let that liquid touch you!" i yelled. "it's corrosive! look how the grass where the liquid has spread has begun withering!"

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Returning Home

I was just there, drifting in pitch black liquid, looking up at the sky as the lukewarm liquid threatened to engulf me, not worried about how i found myself in a new place or where the bus had gone, just drifting away.

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Tyler's Pokemon adventure chapter 4

When she came back she had a syringe filled with a white liquid. "hold him for me!" lyra ordered preparing to jab the needle into tyler's arm.

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I'm not sure, but it was just something about the conditions outside that made the taste of hot liquid chocolate so incredible. jason scooted closer and put his arm around my shoulder. i put my arm around his in response.

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Patricia's Potion Shop: 9th Customer (Gator TF/TG)

After 5 minutes of looking closer at the liquids without an answer. she shouted it again. "i'll be right out!" a woman's voice said from the back.

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Scott's Remote | Chapter 3

The warmth of the liquid along with the additive he had added caused his body to tingle as the warmth of the liquid seeped into his insides, making his belly feel nice and comfortable.

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Invane: Hazery Drive

Smoke, gas or whatever that white substance is started floating at the surface of the liquid as something rose from the bottle itself. we all stared at horizoki who continued smiling, pouring liquid after liquid in a 'professional' behavior.

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A Nimbat's Napping

Satisfied with his work, the figure reached onto a shelf, pulled down a bottle with a glowing liquid within and used his fingers to coax fidget's mouth open.

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Sturm looked at the veil in his paw. it had a blackish purple liquid in it. he moved it around a bit and a zombie then jumped onto his back and sank its teeth into his neck.

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