No Frills: Grukkal

He started listening, unseen, to conversations between other dragons in the hope of learning secrets, and this is how he learned who his mother was. he learned that she was nasha.

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Remembering Dasher Cheetah ... Some Thoughts We Shared about 7 Years Ago ...

When i can help others avoid mistakes i learned the hard way, i think of it as giving light to the darkness. adding light, or doing good, is the path i think is right to be on while i learn other things here.

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Splintered Light, Chapter 4.4: Farewells and Salutations

Max had always had respect for someone who was not too stuck-up or self important to learn.

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Vargothen's Origins

However vargothen soon learned werewolves were often much different than he thought, having learned much from his new friend, a servant of malar.

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Blood and Shadow- Chapter 3

How was it possible for her to learn all of these things if she was just a slave? suddenly he realized his mistake. of course she could learn these things, after all she was still a person with a mind of her own.

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Pt 5 - The Druid's Lessons

Her teachings were slow, and his learning even slower, but learn he did.

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Undertale: subject 13 part 3

I been trying my best to figure out what they are researching about, but after learning about the other past subject before, i know they all failed badly.

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Autobiography of an Apocryphan Lord

I felt honored to be chosen after i learned of my purpose in those early days when i was naive and foolhardy but eager to learn about the world that was growing around myself.

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Living the Dream, Part Three

However, after several weeks of being here, he had decidedly learned most of the basics - and although he hadn't learned the grace of an entire lifetime of practice, he could certainly get the job done.

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Won't back down

When you're born in a war you learn a lot yet you learned nothing. you learned the feeling of killing a creature as the same species and you feel heroic to your wonderful country.

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