Their Echoes

It was quite similar inside the room , but instead of street lamps, all that illuminated the feline was the glowing monitor. every second, another line of code was either added, corrected or deleted as minutes ticked by into hours.

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Chapter III: On The Moors of PXC-348

Dwight put his hand out and stopped her, the windows in front of them broke and a lamp was thrown out into the street. marian walked over the lamp debris and further into a town.

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"The Thin Line," Part D

At a bare minimum, it was necessary to fix some of the oil lamps. by trading wicks, oil reservoirs and some judicious, gramerye-assisted threading, i got some light to work in the bungalow.

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Star Hopper Chapter 10

Finally, she found it hanging on a desk lamp, "go figure." as she picked it up the sound of the door ring played through the speaker. her ears pricked up, as well as her tail, "ah! finally!"

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#0 The 0-th in the Bull & Fox stories. Timotay in Trouble

There was no way of guessing and the shutters on the lamp made it impossible to see who might be behind the lamp. the voice gave it away: "well, young timotay, we have ourselves quite a problem, don't we?"

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Here Kitty Kitty

He stopped at another intersection under a street lamp and tried to find a familiar shop or a street name. instead he saw a small card hanging under the street lamp.

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Writing Assinment: 5 min write, 5 min rewrite

The old wooden brown desk that my laptop is on and i'm sitting at is very useful, with a lamp on the top left corner, some changes and stacks of printed paper, plus another few things you could find a teenager dumping on his table.

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Ritual of Re-entry (Otherwise Untitled)

"i see that black panel cover over there, the stain from where my pen broke, that wire hanging from the storage slot, the flickering lamp next to the controls, and a faint red glow from the relay screen."

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Ch. 1: Wail in the Night

A few houses still had their lamps on, but most were as cold and dark as the autumn evening. it was accompanied by a foreboding stillness, as though the sleeping city was but a mere facade to hide something far more sinister.

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Just a beggar

Though he still went inside, bought a large jar of lamp oil and payed for it along with a box of matches without hesitation.

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Look, After...

Austin tried very much not to pay too close attention to the wolf's underwear, and yet he found when the older male flicked off the lamp, that tight pair of blue boxer-briefs lingered, etched into his eyeballs.

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After the Storm - Part 11 [A walk to remember]

The military district had only its street lamps and the lights inside of the houses for illumination. the market district, in turn, appeared to be a beacon for anything on the horizon. well, that's obviously an exaggeration.

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