Buddies-The Move In
He opens the bus door and some new comers hooted the mvu anthem as they walked out of the bus with bags and cases,some having to come back to get the rest of their junk.
A Mind's Eyes 01
I struggle to find a door that will let me out, as most lead to other smaller rooms and various storage closets containing cleaning supplies and miscellaneous junk. i see a large clearing with blue light reaching down.
Chapter 17: The End
Something started moving under a bunch of metal and junk and a hand bursted out and a body followed after that. a whole human got out and screamed ragely, looking what has happened... end of mercy and xenan oh... my... god...
Shelly Surprises
Most of it was junk; typical credit card companies and donation services asking for applications or information to apply to.
Meeting Love - Chapter 1
I delved into the pocket of my stylish tweed jacket, rummaging between the airport food wrappers and receipts from the junk i'd been buying unconsciously and expensively.
Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 42
._ banno thought, pawing around through the most useless assortment of junk he had ever seen. _why have these things? why keep them in these wall boxes?_ minutes passed by that felt like hours, and banno did something he never would have expected.
The Sleepover
"that is not a bad idea, after all those guys eat nothing but junk food all day." casper weighed in peevishly. "junk food huh? well i think i can whip up something for tomorrow's lunch that is healthy." desmond smirked evilly.
A Burning Tale Begins
And junk, none of it is real."
Star Hopper Chapter 3
There was also some other parts and junk. both of them walked around the corner building and entered the one next to it, the sign above the door was too smudged to read.
How I Found It All: Part VIII
The drive wasn't as bad as before, because i knew what to expect out of the junk pile that was his car. getting home was less than adventure.
Outside Looking In- Chapter One- Kyle's secret
"only a man that has junk knows the best ways to please the junk of other men. sorry honey but stick to your own kind." he smugly replied then smiled as he laughed at his own cleverness. "whatever," chris replied dismissively.
You Break It, You Cursed By It
He had no interest in old worn out junk. and yet here he was. well, the reason was he was bored. he had come out to the flea market hoping to find something of interest. some of these stores sold old video games, and sometimes at a pretty decent price.