Journey into Briar (Ch.1)

* * * journey into briar the air was dry, but cool in the twilight of the day. rekkar walked down a dusty trail once again as he journey to the south continued.

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Journey of an Outcast - Part 4

#4 of journey of an outcast (disclaimer: those who are under the age of 18 and/or live in a place that has laws and/or stipulations against reading this kind of material are as such prohibited from reading the following.


Journey of an Outcast - Part 3

#3 of journey of an outcast (disclaimer: those who are under the age of 18 and/or live in a place that has laws and/or stipulations against reading this kind of material are as such prohibited from reading the following.

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Journey to the West: The first steps

#2 of journey to the west chapter two: **chapter two:** mike had decided to wait out the day before he moved closer to the highway. although it appeared deserted, this place still managed to gain quite a bit of traffic up and down it each day.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Two

Once at the mart, evin bought the items needed for the journey ahead from the store clerk, along with a pokenav that replaced his watch.

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Journey to Another World ch106

#6 of journey after 100 it took me a bit to get my computer back from the manufacturer, but now i'm back and writing again.

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Kovu and Mipa: Kovu's Journey

I can't believe I'm doing this... thought the dark maned lion as he trotted through the vast wasteland surrounding him. "Why leave now of all times? What can I possibly gain?" The cracked plane of compressed silt which stretched out endlessly around...

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The Kanto Adventures - The Journey Begins

He asked though it got a laugh out of the proffessor "kazuma here actually isn't starting a journey today, he's just re-registering here and starting over with a starter pokemon from kanto."

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Wolf's Rain: The New Journey

She would have to put her journey for paradise on hold.

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Journey to another world ch11

#11 of pokemon journey to another world ch. 11 with all that we put out the fire and headed into the tent. i had a thought and i pulled out jenavee's pokeball and held it out in front of her.

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Journey to another world ch10

If i do come upon a pokemon that i find that can match you, which i seriously doubt, i will try and befriend it then if it wishes then it can come with us on our journey." "i do not understand.

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Journey to another world ch9

#9 of pokemon journey to another world ch. 9 "that is enough. if you children wish to fight do it outside. otherwise i will call officer jenny and have her throw the both of you in jail." someone said.

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