StarFox Meta

Also if you read my home page there's more info._

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PI Isaac Case #1 chapter 6

"the call was from vul, xander's friend, he had some info that can help us." niko just groaned as i said it. "is something the matter?"

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Too Ordinary

It's the non-stop chatter of other girls he has dated in my class that i get this info from. he's not a bad kid though, not that i care.

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Shifters: Chapters 1-4

She was 'hardy', according to the info sheet in the lab, and he couldn't help but think of how that could be a good or a not-so-good thing.

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Digimon: Digi-blast: trouble

"you know i do tsume, i think i'll be able to find out more about the infinity keys. they have a lot of info that you wouldn't believe " " we don't need the info we can ask ophanimon and seraphimon about it, " tsume said she didn't

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The New Wolf Chapter 7

_there were no survivors._ i was mixed on this info. should i be glad there aren't any more like elliot wandering around? if they succeeded with anyone else, would they have continued their actions?

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Racers vs Seattle Seahawks

"route info: all teams head for the amazing race and it'll drive you to the airport. from there, you'll take a flight to seattle." maria reads. seattle, washington; home of the space needle, the seattle seahawks, and the centurylink field.

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Peppers Are Hot, Keys Are Cold

"route info: grab flight to cancùn." mexico; known for the spicy food, spanish language, and again, influence on the us, the teams will travel here and find their next clue at the airport. "let's do this!" kiki says.

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Bigger, Badder... Crazier

"route info: take the elevator back down to an amazing race cab where you'll head to the airport." once teams are done with the detour, teams must head for the ottawa airport. "did we make it?" deedee asks.

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Train Tricked... I Mean Tracked

"route info: grab an amazing race can and head straight to missionary ridge local." hans reads. ridge local is a well known train station here in chattanooga. once there, the racers will get a surprise from toner. "let's do this!" angie says.

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Final fantasy: darkening fate-chapter 1: the ensnaring fate

He was disgusted at the alien tower but needed the info 'top tier' he thought. he started towards the tower and came to the back door. he pulled out a lock pick kit and befall to work like an expert.

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Calling All Furs

Any and all furs needed i need permission to use a few characters if you want too and it has to be "your" character in other words don't jack another furs character, i also need the following info: species,age,sex "i don't judge.",height,weight,physical

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