The Wolf (Poem)

She cannot improve if she doesn't know what's wrong. please enjoy! uploader's note: now has a picture drawn by the author! ======== his strength runs deep, his paws are swift, through the snow he sweeps, though his head he must not lift.

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Inside by NEFFEX

I'll just enjoy what i'm doing keep pushing forward and moving appreciate the improvement, yeah i was so stuck on a goal was losing sight of my soul need to enjoy getting old and be so present i don't know if there's a heaven but i know


Forging Bonds-Chapter 3: Cramming for the Test

Still, our scores hadn't improved by the middle of faore, and dad wasn't too pleased with our progression. i could tell lárus was becoming frustrated, so was i.

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Rexville 11: Roaring Rexes VS West Coasters

The match continued without any scores so far, maybe this year the west coasters have improved with newer teams or their luck is by their side. hunter knows sol, broderick, and spicer are the best players in the team that rexville has ever had.

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Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 32- Frozen Sapphires

When the time had come for lukan to traverse the travesty of the terrain, the temperatures were not improved. and an additional inch of snow had fallen.

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Welcome Back to Cappuccinos! Part 16

"you be sure and keep on improving my boy, son." art grinned. "yes sir, but sometimes he can be stubborn." earl's eyebrows rose in surprise. "only sometimes? son, you must be a really good influence on him."

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Kiss of Destiny: Chapter 5

Mittens put her newly improved nose to work and set out on bolt's scent trail. she found him upstairs, asleep in penny's bed.

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The Origin of Nevyn and Arzosah

The origin of nevyn and arzosah well this is the first story i have ever created so bear with me and point out the spelling and grammar error to me so i can improve as a author and person.

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Death Monologue

A thing i'm writing for a video me and a mate from my school are making any ideas for improvement would be helpful, i'm also going to upload the audio version. hope you like it. you. the one with the lungs. there. clutching so tightly to a screen.

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SSAS (A Poem From Your Friendly Neighborhood Lycanthromancer)

It's improved! it's the spam you can spray! despite how you vomit, our spam's here to stay! roadkill tastes better, but we won't say that--and we'll never tell you it's made from your cat...

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All-Time High S1E23

How would you improve it? would you make changes to the schedule? things like that," explained marcus. [elsewhere...] "now's our chance to steal the show. we can just win it by a landslide.

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Alpha and Omega - Fun Loving... Alpha?

Kate's mood had not improved in that time. it seemed like everyone except her was getting the news on humphrey first. it seemed his progress was good, and he would be coming back any day now with her father.

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