Chapter XXV: Even Though It All Went Wrong
A few minutes later, he had to begrudgingly admit there was an important piece missing from his bedtime ensemble: his stuffed wolf, ikici.
Lucky and Amos
"i have important and great family members and friends but i've decided to be with you, hun, for you are in no doubt my most important person in my life" while he answered the question he tried to find eye contact with lucky which he found.
A Dolphins Crush: A Reason To Live On pt 5
It has such a strong importance to us. ir's how we met. "ok, we're here" "tony? is this...!" she gasped "yeah. we first met here 12 months ago today. happy anniversary darling "oh tony!"
The Lead Crown: Ch 6b, The Brightest Blossom (Pt 5)
Sir umberto gingerly took hold of brody's paw and moved it from his leg, "this is important, and they are both valid viewpoints." the doberman sighed, "you plan on helping... don't you? what about the prince regent?"
The City of Firmament
They are the sole most important and powerful person of the nation. beneath them is the peoples' council. the council has ten seats.
GOLDPAW redux.
"you know how important starburst's job is. if it wasn't for hir, this birthing will be done under pirate control, and..." another yelp was heard, as tear drop received another contraction.
Day 4
He revealed, "truth be told, money has lost its lustre for me, it just doesn't seem as important as it once was." "what is important?" i asked, a part of me knotted up a little waiting for his answer.
Prologue-Southwater University
But that's not important. it's not the where or the why that's important.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 57
Ander believed it was important to let both families know as soon as possible, but he also said it would be better to wait until the world stopped crashing down around their heads.
NAFSCAR: How it works
The number of starts in a season is different in the countrywide and truck series, but that's not important.
The Best Defence
It's important for you to learn more about your relationship with yourself and your body. what you're capable of, and what you really want." i went too hard, too fast.
The Resurrection Stone - Kreet 67
I don't know that you are immortal, kreet, but that's not the important fact. the important fact is that i don't know that you aren't. but nevermind all that. i can gather the rest of your story well enough. you have a purpose, kreet.