Watch Dogs 9 - Back into Hell
Collapsed as the mind-leech stepped forward and tossed a gun at me " you caused so much suffering for your stubbornness in the chamber, let me show you" and suddenly i was there, i was looking over the tortures shoulder as he systematically removed all lucy's implants
Confronting an old nemesis.
I killed him, he kidnapped me and implanted his whatever that was in me. he's gone now... i'm glad you where...." he looked up, but couldn't move so his head fell down.
Gooey Drops
But instead they implanted new ones, of his life as a naga, and of his life with brother. naga hissed for a moment before he opened his eyes, blue orbs that had no defining features. his body rippled with pleasure as he looked at brother.
More then just friends lAlcoholics and Gaysl
Secluded from even the rich people but instead here it stood, randomely implanted. azrain opened the door and instantly greeted sekhai...he must have been very anticipated on sekhais arrival, sekhai didn't even knock yet. a bit clingy?
Snake Charm
And any time someone came snooping around and tried to make her leave, she used her serpent's hypnosis to implant a suggestion that she wasn't there anymore and that they wanted to leave. for the most part this worked very well, except for one person.
Seekers: Chapter Sixteen: The Dead Ship
The room had few furnishings; just a small oven-grill to the left, with a pair of oven-mitts hanging from a nail implanted into the metal wall.
Seekers: Chapter Eleven: Small Revelations
We'll keep traveling north; there's a compass implanted on the pole." elise got up from the railings and left me alone at the stern, and with my thoughts. i took a deep breath in and out, and advanced over to the steering pole.
Dark Origins: Revelations: Part 2
He glanced at his sister and, over his implant, inquired about any signs of human life on the planet. she checked her instruments and frowned, _"none anywhere on the surface and considering the condition of the planet i'm not surprised.
Fighting for Faith; Before.
Yet the language was relatively simple, and almost in the range of rudimentary, and it was enough for the implant in his right ear to pick up the basics of the tongue, so he could come to comprehend them.
A Pirate's Life: Rising Tide (Part 2)
But as he slipped off, a single image implanted itself in his dreams, completely of its own accord. a rainy evening, the dull gray skies after sunset. a wet wooden scaffolding set in the center of a town square. a figure hanging limply from a noose.
Experiments--Chapter One
Bionodes implanted! bionet now fully active! dismissing the message, i exited the hole, began to stand, then froze. my motion tracker pinged five contacts. all of which were behind me.
On Colonizing Part 1
The neural implants actually being a genetic adaptation made to us effectively growing a biological computer. a scan done of the growth even indicates that it is an inheritable trait.