An Exert from the Crimson Veil
Snapping the chain of the sunlight holy symbol around her neck, she invoked in a rapturous voice, "begone beast, or suffer the wrath of the sun!"
Black Haven Ch. 4
Bedronia has no religion, so there were no holy wars. there were property disputes and drunken brawls, but conflicts rarely got violent.
Herdnan- Chapter Four
Do you have any idea what this blade is worth, holy shit..." "beats me. i just steal the stuff and collect the green backs later."
George: i'll get him, wait here sai: gotcha sai leaned his back against the wall outside of thompsons room as george opened the door and announced himself george: hey thompson, time for us t- holy shit!
Rise of the Alters: Prologue
And also the unit, holy, was no more. the duo then went their was to destroy the army of refined alter users still hunting them down.
Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 14
All those years at holy college ganging up on alexis, driving the teachers up the wall, reading up on rules so's we could go and break them all..." anar's gaze was far away. "it makes so much sense, though, doesn't it?
Brace for Impact Ch.2
My head has started to ring, all i could hear were the fans freakishly loud chants of, "holy shit! holy shit! holy shit!" i rolled over on my stomach as we all tried to get up, "oh gawd," i muttered under my breath.
College days: Chapter 01: Entering with the left foot.
"holy shit! this is a nightmare!
New Life
"this place is holy ground. you're safe from them here." "holy ground? can i cast spells here?" "you already did." "different spell. i need to get somewhere and i don't dare leave this place as a human." "you mean like teleporting?" "yeah."
Some day
Not today not tomorrow but later someday i'll find my borrowed life's holy water's rain that has been drained....
Doegeir Irlymi
The holy prophet of regret has decided that it was pointless to follow. instead, he gives the order to capture as many demons as possible, but for what reason?
Vivy and Crystal
"holy crap!" screams vivy in shock. "holy crap!" screams crystal in excitement. suddenly crystal touches vivy's new neck stump a little, confirming she is actually headless.