Furry Little Secret (ch.2)
Kotetsu argued "ooooh, soi-fon-sama, pretty friendly eh, guys?" ikkaku snarked, triggering a fit of laughters from the guys. "why you little--" it was soi-fon's turn to launch at the guys, but kyouraku appeared out of nowhere and held her back.
Anum Chaos - Party of emotions - ch. 1 and 2
Faly blushes "thank you guys..." "so....in some minutes, w.a. your time comes." sahra says. w.a. stands up, takes his black sunglasses and yawns a bit. all guys in the back start laugh. "ok i think i'm ready now."
Day 05- Nominations
"guys! you have to come inside when a plane is out!" brandon and will snap out of their paralysis, jump out of the hammock, and run back inside where teresa locks the door shut. "sorry guys," will says.
End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 01
Great to see you guys here, how you guys are doing?" ortensia's face lit up as she hugs them both one at a time. "not to bad, pretty pumped actually." donald responds while goofy just nods in approval. "they accepted to come with us.
Little Drummer Dog (14)
"that was one hell of a fine set you performed last night guys even with your drummer cramping up badly, and yes sam i did see your pain, from here on in guys you have nothing more to prove, and i am sure that i can speak for the guys from def leopard too
Episode 2 - Reunions, New Rivals and Revelations
I apologize if this is making you guys upset but i am after all doing you guys a favor and unlocking nestor's gate. i could have just stayed at my shop and attend to my business.
Resolutions - Part 2 - February
"i don't know if i would have asked him out if i didn't know for sure that he liked guys," geo said and put his arm behind arvin. "what's good on the menu guys? what should i 'otter' get?" nathan asked and then nudged me.
The New Place chapter 5
Feel free to browse, i trust you guys enough to know you won't try to steal stuff... right?"
It's An Epic Finale (Part 1)
"hey guys? can i ask you something?" "sure." brent says. "why did you guys sign up for the race?" "because we felt like we were good enough to win the money. plus, we need the money.
POKE'MON MYSTERY DUNGEON ADVENTURES Chapter 9 : Our Final Adventure : Vector's Farewell
We....we made it you guys. and look at this place....it looks very depressing over here....and look at the sky!! it's like a never ending thunderstorm." which i then said ",look! over there you guys!
I started noticing guys after that night, or at least, i started consciously noticing guys." out of habit i switched to my psychologist voice. "i'm sure my subconsciousness was noticing guys since i was a little kid.""
They call me Toby
Hehe, i love you little guys." "on that note." the wolf cleared his throat as the vixen took over. "it is rumored that your dating someone." "yes i am. great guy. real cute. 'n yes he's one of you small guys.