True Mettle

With great ferocity he tore the weapon from the man's hands and slammed his knee into the man's gut. the man coughed a spurt of blood and fell hard onto the forest floor.

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Target XY

Soon enough, with our weapons flashing through the air, our eyes alight with ferocity and our strengths at full, myself and raix locked into a standoff where - with our blades crossed and groaning against one another - we looked straight at one another.

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The Patchwork Soldier part VII

What he lacked in tactical prowess (and sanity for that measure), he more than made up for in his fighting ability and sheer ferocity. he'd charge into enemy ranks, mowing them down like he was skimming algae.

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Forest Keep 44

He shuddered at the memory of the beast...the sheer size and ferocity of it. why it had not eaten the woman and her guard, he could not fathom. perhaps it was sated and asleep after feeding on the bodies of his comrades.

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The Big Sister Part Six: Reunion

Grief said as he would take up the red stamp and press down hard on the form with so much ferocity it made his entire desk shake. "can you believe these clowns? perwinkle?" grief would say as he would take the form and place it in the pile.

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Hardcore Pet Play

He growls at the anthropomorphic dog who simply laughs at the corgi's attempted ferocity before relenting and leaving carson alone. brendon sniffs at his partner who rolls onto his paws and stands.

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The Cat's Stroll 17

They snarled with the ferocity of thunder, and kept releasing a maddened aura of bloodthirsty savageness.

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Freeing and Bringing Back

Yu and sandstorm gave glares to red and jackel each chance they got, still thinking that maybe trusting chomper was a bad idea, and the sickleclaws gave back the looks with same ferocity.

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A Long, Dark Road (Part 9)

Nbsp; she was a wolf, born with the delicate features and light complexion that was favoured in the noble houses she had been raised in, with pale grey eyes that seemed to track everything in the room simultaneously, and with equal ferocity

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Infamy - Chapter 2

Aito tried to quickly strike at his opponent again, and rose up on his hind legs to come down with ferocity, but the agile archer nimbly back stepped just far enough to avoid the strike.

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Sacred Chapter 6: Welcome to the Jungle

The monster rolled his shoulders and, as a true sign of ferocity, bared his teeth. they were sharp, almost shark-like, and non-distinguishable from the rest of him aside from the shape. "finally, i'm about ready to wake up. oi! ya big bush!

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