As [redacted] mentioned in the memorandum dated [redacted] the document reads as the stuff of science fiction, and must, due to failure of project chrysalid, including subsections a and particularly b, be thought as much;
c) the general unawareness that dci
Body Horror, Dulce Base, Gothic, Horror, Insect, Male, Mystery, Roswell, Transformation, UFO, cia, conspiracy, new mexico
Pang, double and myself through our miserable defeat had failed the master and the entity rewarded us for our crushing failure and let all within earshot know about it.
to be continued....
Abject Failure, Ambush, Anteater, Dark, Death, Dingoes, Disaster, Entity, Everything Has Changed, Extreme Plot Progression, Humourous, Hunting, Irrational Exuberance, Kangaroo, Lizard, Night Creatures, Otter, Outburst, Pain, Pangolin, Panther, Punishment, Reconstruction, Revulsion, Something Is Wrong, Spider, Totally Utterly Screwed, argument, attack, construction, electrocution, enslavement, harpy, monsters, reward, suffering
Still she can't help feel down that her failure to get into the elites will run with her for a while.
"taeru, it may feel bad now but you'll thank me of what i'm about to say.
Anubis, Commission, Interrealm, Lineart, Toughset
I'm a failure.
...all because of textbooks? really?
i am not at fault. i internally scream at myself. i am not a failure. we are not going to start this. not here. not now.
2011, Angst, College, Fox, Gay, Homosexual, Husky, Hyena, M/M, Other, Red Fox, fusky, life, stress
He had been on welfare, but the shame at having to rely on the program made him go into practical starvation to get the least amount of benefits, to avoid feeling like a complete failure.
Amphibian, Comedy, Depression, Drama, Friendship, Gecko, Hybrid, Insect, Multiple
Now she could see why the old coot had grinned so wickedly as she was lulled into failure.
shame on her for thinking it would have been easy. the reports had been falsified and earth was fighting tougher than before.
Bear, Cat, Eagle, Gazelle, Lion, OC, Tiger, hamster
Don't put
them down because of your failure to realize
that other people have feelings and opinions too
and sometimes they just aren't the same as yours.
do not blame the world around you because
of your inability to accept a refusal.
Poem, Poetry
Sight; the pleasant sight of the dummy being choked greets you
how like a fly that is so free in motion, while bound to thy sticky paper do i see the world fade away
what is a web that plays a net to a spider has let its own host fall through
when failures
Bed, Besides, European, Flower, Poectic, Poem, Poetry, form, imagination, lush, the, wither