34: Struggles of Faith

Story by JBukharin on SoFurry

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#53 of Among Stars

Part of: Among Stars (Prequel to 'The Golden Month')

The story of how a crew of misfits shattered the dominance of the Empire's tyranny.

Their victories, their losses, and their ultimate fate. An odyssey across the endless frontier that is space!

Las Lindas Web Comic Spin-Off, OC-Insert

The characters in this story (Except the OC-Insert) are © chalodillo

Chapter 34: Struggles of Faith

When it comes to Love, Grace was an expert but, even though she could see individuals were in love with one another, she had trouble finding ways to get them to stay together.

There were two, maybe three or even four, instances that got her particularly invested in trying to be helpful towards those amusing couples. The first one to come to mind was the fitting duo that was Kate and Bengala. Despite his charming methods, the Courage Crest was quite unable to find a way to reach the blonde's heart. And to Grace this was actually as amusing as perplexing.

At first, she couldn't understand why he would be struggling. He got so many girls in the ship swooning for him that it felt so unusual for him to have issues conquering one in particular. But the more she thought about it, the more the Love Crest understood the issue: Bengala didn't want to just conquer, he wanted to keep.

And to do that, Grace knew he needed to be more appealing to Kate. Which is where the issue really ensued as Kate was not a very trusting individual when it came to those few people that were known to be quite intense with seduction. She was rightfully wary, perhaps familiar with that sort of behavior and thus unwilling to be too trusting of it. And thus Grace was 'hired' by Bengala to help him try to find a 'way in'. It sounded a bit ominous if said like that, but Grace got what he was referring to.

But she had a lot to think about on how to tackle a subject like that. How do you seduce someone like Kate? The answer was rather dry and subjective: Kate was a serious individual looking for that kind of romance that she could rely on without feeling hurt by. This meant no cheating, no 'fun times' with others- and through that she was tempted to say Bengala wasn't meant to do that. And when she brought this up to the Tiger Prime, his response was quite curious.

"I suppose that makes sense and... I have an idea."

When Grace asked for him to elaborate, the response she got was a mere hum.

The true answer to that question came in the form of his attitude in the next week. Bengala started to be more withdrawn from the attention of other girls, favoring simpler and yet romantic gestures that were meant to draw Kate out of her shell. The first two-three days saw little results, with the Light Crest appearing more frustrated than else.

Then, as the week progressed, Kate displayed some awareness regarding Bengala's chaste turn and started to gauge what was up with that. Finally, at the end of the week, the two were seen sharing a meal together and chatting about new exercises to try out during the training sessions.

Anyone that knew Bengala would have expected the Tiger Prime to be pulled back to his old habits at this point but... he found himself stuck in his new lifestyle. Grace saw the signs of why that was the case, with the Courage Crest looking happier and more at ease than usual. He lost some of the rusty charm of his in favor of a 'youthful take' on the matter.

He looked lighter, happier, and he definitely was sleeping better. He was training better and he ended up unlocking his Prima Form while sparring with Kate. The praise he got from his love interest was so strong that he looked like a complete dum-dum when the Cat Prime landed a peck on his cheek. It was little compared to what he previously got from other women, but it was the meaning that left him giddy to be more compliant to that pleasant situation.

Next up were Sem and Feather, and that was a mostly-solved deal.

In fact, the only reason she was 'hired' by the Sky Crest was so she could find help in how to date someone like Sem. After all, the Lion Prime was not the standard social butterfly and definitely wouldn't fare well in public settings. Hence why Grace suggested places which could be used to find privacy and comfort. As a 'light date', they could go to the ship's library, take one of the private rooms to study while also bringing some sandwiches to eat and... perhaps do things there. Not early on, but it gave them that sort of privacy to entertain that thought and action.

It was one of those cases that felt easier to solve for Grace, and it gave her the mental rest she needed to handle the next tough case.

Finally, it was the turn for Ambar and Pulsar. And while Grace had many ideas on how to help the Wisdom Crest, the redhead had promptly denied each and every single one of those. The reason she used was one and the same: "I can do it myself. I am just waiting... for the best opportunity to do it." Which, in Love's tongue, meant 'I am not sure, please let me do this on my own'. Clear embarrassment and pride, but no chance for Grace to crack at both without alienating them from that concept. And it was quite frustrating.

But not as frustrating as the reason why she was sitting alone to find a solution to this last plight of her. One that was leaving her huffing and puffing, but with no answer to it despite how much time she was wasting in that musing.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Theo asked, the young man having found her brooding on her loneliness and giving her reason to puff again in frustration.

"It's just I don't know how to handle Kayin. He means well but-"

"You don't like that he does that with you?" He guessed taking a seat on the ground beside her.

Grace's eyes flickered with a bit of annoyance. "Sorta. The attention is nice but... too much is too much."

"Then tell him that you don't like it too much," Theo argued patiently. "I get it that it might seem hurtful, but if you don't, then he will see it as you leading him with his emotions."

Which was even worse than how he would feel if she just told him to tone down the pressure. That Grace hadn't noticed and... she smiled.

"I am silly."

"Only because you don't want to hurt others. That doesn't mean you need to be a doormat, Gracie."

"I'm not a doormat," She replied softly and then looked at the nearby window, glancing at a few stars visible through it. "...Can we do something naughty tonight?"

Theo blinked at the quiet request which deviated from their previous topic and then hummed thoughtfully. "I think Addie will not mind. I don't know if Carmesi will be there but-"

"I-I can do with just you two," She argued, Grace gulping nervously at her own unease. "I just need some comfort."

He offered her a smile, and gave her a hug. A sigh worked its way out of her lips and she knew, deep down, that she was worried of missing this.

_ She just loved this kind of life too much to imagine one without the others. _


Darcy was not having a good time.

After getting lectured for hours by the Emperor and by her former teachers, she thought nothing else could have gotten her so miffed and frustrated with others but... she was so done about it. She felt like her deeds had been delivered right and that the cause of her defeat was beyond her scope. Now she could see why the old coot had grinned so wickedly as she was lulled into failure.

Shame on her for thinking it would have been easy. The reports had been falsified and Earth was fighting tougher than before. More attacks had happened and while the Crests were rarely involved if she wasn't around to lead the charge, the way Humans and Primes held against the Narakhans under her command made her doubtful.

Even so when some of those battles saw former troops that had been imprisoned now unshackled by the Emperor's Mark and fighting for their enemies. It was a serious demoralizing factor and one that left her unsure what to do next. The planet was a world-wide fortress and one that was chipping away at her resources despite her best efforts to protect the chances of success.

After the last serious skirmish had ended in a partial defeat for them, they had settled a few bases on the planet's moon, using it as a logistic and supply hub for the new ships reaching theirs to assist and provide fresh blood to burn in battles. They were losing the war and... she was half-tempted to say it was the Emperor's power. It wasn't even about his powers, it was in his intentions. The way he held back the much needed resources was messing with their invasion and... she couldn't blame him completely.

Rumors of rebellion within the empire were spreading. Rumors that were slowly turning into legitimate concerns within the high command as the losses against the Royal Cause and the way Prism was making such an absurd comeback was leading many to grow disillusioned with the current status quo. The neatly-crafted bureaucracy was known to be filled with potential snakes, but to see this circumstance explode this intensely meant that the Emperor was going to personally move on this matter quite soon. If he didn't he was to face an open revolt.

And beyond that, Darcy knew there was something that she wanted to know. A truth that wasn't where she would normally find it, but in a place where things were deceptive and most traitorous by the view of the Emperor himself.

"'Welcome to my parlor' said the spider to the fly," A familiar voice purred. "Earth has quite a few interesting words on poetry, and I have to say that this one fits perfectly."

Here she was, Pandora humming in delight as she appeared before Darcy in an ethereal form. The younger chaos user steeled her mind, but her determination was lacking compared to last time. Something Pandora seemed to notice on the spot.

"Why did you answer this request so earnestly?"

"Why shouldn't I welcome a prodigal daughter back in my flock."

"I'm not here to join you," The priestess retorted, yet her resolve came to miss despite her unwillingness to surrender to that notion.

"Ah yes, many say that. But I, the good mother, will wait until you understand how frustratingly abusive your 'father' is," Pandora rebuked calmly.

"I want answers."

"And you wouldn't be the only one doing that," She argued. "However, I feel like I have less of a reason to actually entertain your confusion and curiosity compared to someone else. In fact, why should I give you anything if you are unwilling to give me something?"

"...Did the Grand Knight give you something?"

"Respect, first. Then, understanding," Pandora quipped flatly. "Both of which wouldn't buy you anything from me."

A frown adorned her face. "Why not?"

"And you even ask?" The former Goddess remarked angrily. "You mean nothing to me. You are just a small thing trying to make sense of something that should be easy to understand. How many years of indoctrination went through you? How many lies? How many false truths?"

"The Emperor-"

"Is a petulant brat that has now been caught in his own mistake. His Empire? A joke that is not worthy of remembrance. He will die forgotten for his sleazy ways, for his malicious deeds, for his horrible plans," Pandora struck her with hatred Darcy never felt before. And the younger Narakhan shivered at the treatment. "You wish to know what happens to you one way or another? You die. You are forgotten. And you will be nothing."

"I-I will not-"


"I..." Darcy fell on her knees, shock draining any form of pure chaos from her body.

She felt like a little traumatized girl again. Memories not hers flashed- Pandora's eyes saw so much of what the Emperor was and now those felt truer than those would have felt years ago. And she felt stupid because of this.

There was silence and then... Pandora knelt down, with a look on her face resembling kindness diluted by tiredness.

"How about a deal, then?"

The question shook Darcy out of her unease, and a sliver of hope twinkled from within as wonder expressed itself on her face and gained a smile out of Pandora's own visage.

"W-What about?"

"You will live. You will persist. But you will not find true freedom, only a better dependency. No more failures or mistakes, you shall be the first to restore the old order for my own sake."

"...Why me?"

"Do I need to have a reason? Why would Chaos need to explain itself?"

That last question had her smile again. It was fragile, but it was honest. And Darcy nodded.

"I'll be yours."

"No," Pandora hummed before pulling Darcy in a motherly embrace. "You will be yours and just yours. To me, you shall be my believer."

And Darcy wept for she knew this was the only way out of that disastrous decline of her life. She felt terrified by what was to come with this treachery but...

_ Why does this betrayal taste so sweet? _



The plot thickens and the sequel is being set up to be quite intriguing but not as extensive as this story. Sadly, it will be a 'closure' for all Crests and the Grand Knight.