29: Thinking and Plotting

**Chapter 29: Thinking and Plotting** The silence she woke up in was... cathartic. Eyes opening to the ceiling of her hospital room, the quiet girl's gaze remained trained on this initial spot, the soreness and the growing aching from within her...

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Interlude 16

**Interlude 16** **Beta-Reader: Ant0nius** Pandora had found herself occupied with a difficult dilemma. Normally, any confusing thoughts she possessed would easily be dismantled and scrutinized in fine detail but... now she was having a bit...


Interlude 10

**Interlude 10** **Beta-Reader: Ant0nius** Things were getting interesting. Or at least... different. Pandora wasn't one who normally placed her whole faith behind someone... but she could tell this time she was dealing with someone she could at...


35: Impact

**Chapter 35: Impact** **Beta-Reader: Ant0nius** Normally, two weeks are not enough to make a difference. Two weeks was still time, an opportunity. And right now, what Humanity discovered during those limited fourteen days was something that it...


Interlude 17

**Interlude 17** **Beta-Reader: Ant0nius** The throne room had been devoid of the life it once had mere days earlier. Things had gotten out of hand, there was no denying that the situation had degenerated into a matter well beyond resolution within...


34: Struggles of Faith

**Chapter 34: Struggles of Faith** When it comes to Love, Grace was an expert but, even though she could see individuals were in love with one another, she had trouble finding ways to get them to stay together. There were two, maybe three or even...

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Interlude 3

**Interlude 3** Grace happily hummed as she continued to quietly read one of the many new books now surrounding her lying form. Enjoying the softness of her bed, the Gazelle Prime eagerly exploited the little time left before dinner to enjoy some...

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Interlude 7

**Interlude 7** 'By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is the noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.' Confucius was not wrong when he wrote down this true...

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Interlude 12

**Interlude 12** **Beta-Reader: Ant0nius** **Many centuries ago...** Chaos was odd. Or at least, that's how Pandora viewed it through her previous readings on Crest Magic. There was just something unusual within the lines, the way those were...


Interlude 11

**Interlude 11** The ship's bridge was mostly quiet. Just like Darcy had wanted. The people in charge, those under her, had been working diligently, disturbing her quiet musing only when strictly necessary and... she didn't mind. She had many things...


Interlude 2

**Interlude 2** There are only a handful of things that can manage to annoy Carmesi. Most of them were related to social interactions and fighting, with just a few exceptions piling down the vast turmoil that was currently taking her attention away...

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Interlude 9

**Interlude 9** Carmesi was... not awake. Her body was sore- she could still perceive the pain coursing all over her frame as she rested somewhere safe. But her mind, the very thing that should help her wake up, kept her from opening her eyes and...

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