Balanced on the Knife Edge Ch. 14

She compared it to the untranslated diary entries, finding that the handwriting matched. this was the grisly end that the messenger had met, so close to his goal.

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 30: Internship Report

Just data entry." "yeah, just data entry." "did you experience any difficulty while working there?" "no, not really." "okay then," the deer put the dog's report down, then took his eyeglasses off. "that's all.

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Alice Dippleblack in On The Run Ch6

They walk together, danahlia holding the map at different angles while twinkaleni points out entries of interest from her book, reading aloud the descriptions of plants, animals, and monsters.

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Going Concerns (Chapter 2)

We don't have grounds to get a writ of entry to union's offices yet, but we might not get one without the kind of evidence we can only get from _inside_ the office." "which we wouldn't be able to use because it was obtained without a writ of entry."

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Encyclopedia V2.2 (Aa - Dd)

#2 of encyclopedia this is part of the encylopedia (, all entries in the letters aa - dd. you may notice that there are some blank entries, i know these are there, i just haven't worked out the specifics for them yet.


Changing Fates, Chapter One

They were also shielded from micrometeorites and hardened to withstand ionization and radiation, and it was feasible that some or all of the internals survived re-entry if it survived collision with whatever rock knocked it out of orbit.


Encyclopedia V2.2 (Vv - Zz)

#7 of encyclopedia this is part of the encylopedia (, all entries in the letters vv - zz. you may notice that there are some blank entries, i know these are there, i just haven't worked out the specifics for them yet.



He shook his head as he read the previous entry, realizing for the first time how polluted his mind was, how broken he was. he took a quill and whispered under his breath 'no more', and he began to write.

Out of Time, Out of Space Chapter 1

I blow the dust off, set it on a stand nearby, unlatch the front and, turning the pages gently, start searching for the entry for the cardonix system. "let's see.

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Orbital dive

"these suits have to withstand temperatures required for atmospheric re-entry." a separate static call spoke through their ears, heavily accented. "you shouldn't feel that. that's probably a small fault in the boots.

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Caribbean Esther Ch. 5

He read, "entry 172: a plot to assassinate the king was foiled by the ice dragon nathan. entry 173..." "wait, hold it," said the wolf sitting up, "did you say nathan saved my life? he's the blue dragon with the red hair isn't he?"

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Chapter 2- Crystalia’s Tale

Upon entry, she finds relid tending to the oven- a dish being added for cooking and another removed, ready to eat. crimsa is greeted kindly by delim, whom, she notices, has slightly reddened bandages wrapped around his tail. "what happened?"

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