Scott's Remote | Chapter 12

Scott felt a pressure building in his bladder, he had drunken quite a lot during breakfast, something that he was sure the rabbit had done intentionally.

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The wolf's story... Silver Bullet

Abdel locked the door with the new lock mark gave him and walked back down stairs, before that he checked the studio and found out the drunken anthros left the area."


Mushrooms, Turtles and Pipes, Oh My! 4 - The Morning After

#4 of chronicles of finalgamer 18 - mushroom after a drunken night of naughty fun, james wakes up in another local inhabitant's home, finding himself with an option to travel further.

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Endings and Transition

Looking back towards the center of the caldera, i saw the impending lava was starting to override the drunkenness in solatra's struggle to get free from the floor.


Meteorite Slime Friend 22

Nova then kissed kitt and fed him his slime but the slime was not provocative and instead cured him of his drunkenness and restored his state of mind. "glug... glug..."


023 - Prime pt.06

Butters could feel all the anxiety they held fade away, as paw in paw, they and chloe, what could only be described as 'drunkenly plodding about', escape into their own world.

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A princely apology (prologue)

The memories of their time together a drunken blur. a few of the more lucid portions held images he'd sooner forget if he could. "busy? with what? going to talk to the bulls?" he said with a dismissive wave of the hand. "yeh, i heard.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 52

Her words tumbled from between her swollen lips in a slurred, drunken mush. his blood was already starting to seep through her dress. "layla-kai!" tio tugged on her elbow. "layla-kai!" she looked up and quickly noticed the reason for tio's concern.

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The Holy Mountain of Vengeance

Odurum's voice came softly from across the firelight fading, like hum of drunken hornets in the orchard in the autumn, like dull heat of the lanterns in the early nights of autumn, "you are not ishamantaru. he is not the hero coren.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 22

For a moment mateo looked just like the drunken fox who had gone flying out of othello's bar: his eyes wide and his mouth open in a silent scream. he raised his hands in the air and said. "how... could you be... so... _stupid!?

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Insta-Fur (Anthro TFs)

They read the small disclaimer they had, which basically said that if they could send a picture of themselves to the company once they've drunken the beverage which they both found a bit odd.

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Laugh of a Child

Travis doing his drunken blue-moon chicken dance. brief lip-contact with a close lady-friend who's name seemed to dance about just out of reach. and then joshua. sorrow would have over taken him had a strong shiver not pulled him back to the present.

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