Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Forty One

Was he drunk already? no, he didn't think so. his thoughts were as sharp as ever. but... hadn't he heard somewhere that drunk people didn't know they were drunk until they were about to pass out?

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Bonded by Love Chapter 1 The Talent Show

His rapist of a dad, that always came home drunk and angry. the more drunk and emotional he was, the more pain that was in store for nathanial. then his mother. that greedy bitch. always wanted money but to ugly to sell herself. so instead she sold him.

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A Pirate's Life: Know your Crew (Part 3)

Bruce gave a bah, waved a hand at them, then belched before declaring, "as fer now, i'm drunk, and tired, and drunk, and sleepy, and m're drunk, so i'mma off teh sleep."

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Yet to be Named Chapter 1: Escape

It looks like they're all drunk as hell. every one of them is holding a bottle of wine, laughing and drinking their asses off. how could they stay so drunk and happy while they make us all suffer? it makes me sick.

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Looking Back

"see, he saw him at the tavern one day, and in short, they got drunk. i mean extremely drunk, so drunk anderson tried to sing. its... not pleasant, i don't recommend letting him near a bard.

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My Unplanned Summer Vacation Ch 15

"tatsu-nii took a bottle of sake and he got drunk, toshi-san warned him, but went too far and he... well, we calmed him down and tied him up and he felt asleep." he explained. "oh... okay then, that was crazy..." i said.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 01: Do Opposites Attract?

Good thing tomorrow was saturday, so none of them was going to show up drunk to be told off by the boss, although, the boss himself was here, and maybe a bit drunk. glancing at the clock, octo packed his things and stood up, straightening his shirt.

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A Prelude: God-Touched

In front of him, on the cemented pathway he stumbled along, was an elegantly dressed merchant, who was clearly on his way to the king's masquerade ball, and as drunks so often do, he crashed into him.

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Resolutions - Part 3 - March

"from the smell of your breath and the slurring, i'm guessing that you're kind of drunk?" he asked. "yeah, a little," i replied. "what happened? why were they hurting you?"

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 9

And they said they saw mateo there, drinking everything in sight, getting drunk as a lord! ha! and he- and he- wait, wait." he held up a finger and sniggered off to the side, his milk sloshing around inside the cup.

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Thanks Jose: A coming out Tale

On a couch at my friend amy's house, still drunk, bordering on a hangover, and having to be at work to open in twenty minutes.

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Long Road Ahead (Diapers)

"oh yeah, well, we got so drunk that i can remember only some of it." "geeze, don't mention the 'drunk' part. i'm still getting over the hangover. it was cool, though, like, michael's mom gave us some beer, and we were chillin'."

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