The Dread Grimoire: Chapter One

This book, however, must be protected at all costs, and the fact that you are now reading it...

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Cosmic Stars - Chapter Ten

The scars were the best outcome the wolf could have hoped for, considering the wound he suffered nearly cost him his life or at least an eye.

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Galactic Conflict - Chapter Thirteen

That battle had cost the wolcott pack one of their pack mates, and they were having difficulties adjusting to a four-wolf team, instead of five wolves. "where is the reinforcement fleet?" asked alex.

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My Kitty Chapter 2

I thought it would cost more." "nope, everything here costs less than 15 dollars." we all chipped in and left. it took us less than 5 minutes to get to trev's house. "well, what do you want to do now?" i asked the tigers.

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Space for a time.

The energy cost of instantaneous travel was negligible. actually the energy cost of the transfer is exactly zero except accounting for differentials in gravity gradients. if you go between points at the same curvature of space the energy is zero.

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Chapter 1: Access granted

"and by converting all of the paper records into digital ones, we can not only cut down on shipping cost but also have transfers being completed in mere minutes with our fiber connections and save printing and materials cost while we're at it," jake finished

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Chapter 13 -- Varian

"well, on racca, you can buy them for ten solaris, but once the guild takes their cut, cost of shipping and tariffs, that raises it to fifty.

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Drac Ch14

The movement cost him his life, placing him halfway through dienza's teeth as they closed. one of the women screamed as the sound of the crunch rang out.

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Calin Regaining the Edge Chapter two

Only costs me music lessons." as they walked through the gates into the town calin was surprised to see how well the residents of den had intermingled old and new. he'd already noticed the modern assault defenses as he approached the town.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Nine

My timidness had just now cost my my miracle squirrel. what might it cost me in the future?

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A Shifty Discount

In this story commission for firr, we see that the price tag might be hiding a greater cost than what you see on the surface!

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