Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 27

It was louder than a coffin lid slamming shut. it was louder than the crack of shame echoing inside his mind. even the silence that followed seemed loud, drowning out everything else. he was suffocating in it. _oh dear gods, i did it again...

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 32

Being locked in skyward is not enough for the dude, he needs more shadow choking him, there's no way someone can be normal if he wants to live in a coffin!"

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23 Miles from Sarmanian, Circa 198X

At least flying air defense was relatively safe; sweet eva now lived with the fear that everyday, her love could return home in a coffin. valery frowned as that thought occurred to him; he always had felt guilty about that.


Chapter Six - Only In Dreams

Kiole crawled into his bunk and closed the sliding door, sealing himself up in the tube-shaped, coffin-like enclosure.

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What Is Left? Part 5

I mean shot, there is more oil on the dirt than is in the sump, as for the radiator well that is so holey it goes to church on sunday, the final nail in the trucks coffin is the fact that the battery is no longer holding its charge, in short the truck is scrap

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23 Miles from Sarmanian, Circa 198X

At least flying air defense was relatively safe; sweet eva now lived with the fear that everyday, her love could return home in a coffin. valery frowned as that thought occurred to him; he always had felt guilty about that.

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Grand Duel Academy: Chapter 6

The odd coffin appears next to rose, the three cards flying out and returning to the graveyard, the computer taking more damage. rose: now i use pot of benevolence, returning my tuners to my deck.

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Sara's Story - Chapter 11

_" then suddenly my coffin is lifted out of the hole. i howl in pain as the nails dig into my flesh. but i don't mind the pain, not now, not any more "_i'm saved! i'm going to live.

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In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 6)

I watched as a machine designed to protect its crew became their coffin. i watched as the last shell dropped, its blast pushing my tank up the hill.

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Chapter 8 - Look on the Bright Side

Once i had dug the box out of its earthy coffin, i set it next to a tree where the metal reflected the moonlight off its surface. the humming shook off any remaining caked-on dirt and dust, and i got a closer look at this strange object.

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Feet First

One moment she saw a cloud of blood and bone, she blinked, and the anglar trooper was replaced entirely by one of the steel sky-coffins settled into the cracked asphalt road.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 41

For all its minuses, skyward has one specific perk, it makes for quite a comfortable coffin" flames twinkled in the red eyes.

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