Juryokine: Exile of Heroes, Chapter Twenty Six

He shut his mouth, clenched his teeth together, hoping the sudden, unwelcome emotion didn't show on his face. boam and wayli were watching him, waiting for his answer. "anything," he finally forced himself to say.

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Forgiven. .:~ short story ~:.

clenching his fists, he turned his back on the figure. a paw grasped his shoulder and spun him around to face a wolf from his high-school.

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Wedding Mouse, 1 of 7

He looked down at his stomach, which suddenly hurt, clenching in on itself almost visibly. he settled his left hand over it, his artificial hand, and it clenched up a little more. "troy? i, uhm. andy's just, uhm..."

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Tales from a Forsaken Land - Part 2

His fists were clenched into fists. the black panther was known throughout the town. he was bigger than most grown men, he was at least three times the size of the fox. "where are you going?"the panther snarled.

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I f O n l y.. ~

The black wolf's head tilted and his paws clenched the soil. the white wolf's legs finally gave and it gracefully fell to one side. everything immediately returned to its previous, still state.

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A New Beginning...?

One paw clenched tightly around the knot, the other hopelessly by his side, unable to do more than quiver.

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Everything or Nothing chapter 6- Not home

The screeching sound as the heavy metal door opened echoed around in the cell, making the pale boy clench his jaws shut tight. heavy boots sounding on the water soaked floor. one... two.... three...

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Out of the depths of it all, it calmly begins to call scattered about the room, emotion sleeps quivering at the silence the doll of something familiar sits, waiting for a sign of violence no noise from its demands it bares drawn teeth, as it clenches

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The Rise and Fall of Rebekah Huotari

Out past her clenched jaw. fortunately the water was only deep enough to come up to her chest, so she was in no real danger of drowning. the water splashed behind her as one of others leapt in.

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A Curtain Falls Over Furdom 46: Achieve

His paws clenched and re-clenched. he paused in front of the barricaded door, staring it down, listening. i only heard distant activity from outside. "how long?" i said with a cough. "how long was i out?"

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Flash fiction pieces (2013-2016)

I clenched my teeth and took another step towards the knife. * * * i came across the end of a rainbow last week. it looked a lot grubbier than i would have expected.

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Shadow Warriors: The Great Enemy Ch.3

Not only that, i have a score to settle with larren" said brutahn clenching his fist. "raaaaawr! shard will crush larren! shard must destroy him!" said captain shard stomping. general lokahn and brutahn are becoming uneasy with the shake. "ah!
