The White Rose Matures - 2023
A lot of explosions, loud rock music, and cheesy one-liners, all of it taking place in baghdad it seemed. it was called 'difficult demise'. miles tugged on his arm, asking if he wanted to see it.
You Can't Hide It Forever - Part 4
(yeah, i know the ending is really cheesy, but that's what i get for not planning enough. live and learn.)
Resolutions - Part 2 - February
My good mood distracted me from the terrible, cheesy lyrics and how factory produced all the songs sounded. when we got to his apartment complex nathan wished my roommates a good night and i walked him to the door of his apartment.
Vadim, Chapter 4: The Handsome Truth
He looked like a real life easter bunny with his light pink fur and cheesy buck toothed smile, wearing a flamboyant vest and some weird board shorts.
Second Chances: Chapter 12
I looked down at the floor of his car, slightly embarrassed by my cheesy nature but it was at the moment when my cheeks had reached a light blush that i felt luke's paw on my chin.
One of a kind: chapter 2
The building was small, with cheesy drawings of cartoons and figures on the walls. he walked to the playground at the side of the building. as he guessed, there were children playing.
A redemption of the soul Chapter 4
.** **this section is admitedly quite cheesy, it's pretty predictable. but remember comment below and give me feedback.** **thanks!
Gym Buddies III: Part One
The door creaked open like something from a cheesy horror movie. the way that the sunlight caught the dust really didn't help, nor did the fact that we'd just come from a funeral.
Herdnan- Chapter Three
He pretended to be interested as she selected a cheesy looking romantic comedy. he pulled out one of his hundred dollar bills and slid it to the attendant. feirya curiously looked at cymaenie. he always seemed to have hundred dollar bills.
Always Part 1
I put on a cheesy grin, trying to appeal to their sense of humor at the expense of my pride. the pup on the ground rubbed the side of his head and then shot me a soul-piercing glare.
Green Club 02 (Trademark Preview)
The girl was leaning in, over their cheesy bacon fries appetizer, seemingly addicted to the words coming out of his mouth. they were both a little heavier than average, kind of like laughtrack actually.
Not All Men Are Wolves (Chapter 5)
Lyrics tried to come to me but i was never brave enough to actually say them out loud because of how cheesy they were. don't laugh, i was still in high school; it's not like my creativity was refined.