A redemption of the soul Chapter 4

Story by Draco978 on SoFurry

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#4 of A Redemption of the soul

Hello there! the fact you a even glancing at this means you could be asked to read my stories (or at least one of them)

This Chapter will introduced a few new characters, we really are moving into the main section of the story now, and i tell you, the whole type of story might change.... or not. Depends how i feel.

This section is admitedly quite cheesy, it's pretty predictable. But remember comment below and give me feedback.

Thanks! here we go again, the next section, enjoy.

*EDIT* I decieded to remove the character Flame, (Sorry flame fans). I wanted to put my own character in, i still might include him, and i promise if i do i will make him a good guy.

Shade = My character!! No stealing without telling me!

"Miss!! MISS!! Miss!! Come quickly!!"

Shade yelled, the small dark dragon was practically bouncing on the spot with excitement. There was a rustling and a black dragoness burst out the bushes near the black dragon. Three years had meant a vast amount of change for Cynder.

She was much more slender but still had a shapely body. Her snout was slightly thiner and longer but her eyes remained as large and shining as ever. Her diamond shaped marks were more prominent but they just added to her looks. Cynder looked down at the excited red dragon and spoke in an urgent voice.

"What is it? What happened?"

Shade squeaked energetically.

"Look! it's a dead body! And not even a fake one!"

Cynder looked at where the dragon was pointing, the expression on her face turned from disbelief to shock. Despite the snow which covered it, a gleam of purple shone through it.

"Go and get Miss Ember! NOW!"

She said urgently, The little dragon squeaked in surprise and dashed off. Cynder waited untill he was gone untill she ran to the body.

"No... It can't be, it just can't be"

She grabbed the dragon and flipped it onto his back, the purple scales and yellow belly of Spyro gleamed up at her. Cynder physically recoiled in realisation.

"Oh ancestors... It is you... Spyro"

He had grown so much other the years, he chest was still as strong as ever but was no longer purely stocky, he was tall and very well built. His face had grown and his snout didn't seem as wide but it was still next to perfectly proportioned to him. His wings were large and strong. The spikes down his back had grown with the rest of his body. His whole persona had matured and he was as handsome as ever. Cynder couldn't quite believe who she was looking at, three years had changed them both dramatically.

She put her head on his chest and listened for a heartbeat, the tiniest beat possible was there. Slowly she shook him and she said quietly a tear in her eye.

"Please don't die... please wake up..."

But when there was no response she shook him violently.

"WAKE UP!! DON'T DIE!! Not now! Not when I finally see you again! Don't die!"

She yelled as a single tear fell from her eye. But all hope left her as the body didn't respond in anyway.

She slowly laid her head on his chest and hugged him tightly, all of a sudden the purple dragon began to gag and he took a massive breath in. His legs spasmed slightly and then he relaxed, his chest rise up and down rapidly.

Cynder let go of him and began to cradle his head.

"Thank the ancestors... I knew you wouldn't just die like that... thank the ancestors"

The rasping breath that came from the purple dragon scared her, slowly she stroked his head. She sat there and held him. Slowly she leant over him head and pressed her lips to his, She had wanted to do that for years.

Cynder had never loved anyone else, for years she had never had eyes for another male. Many had tried to when her heart but every single one of them had failed. None of them could match Spyro, none of them came even close to him. When anyone asked why no-one interested her, Cynder simply replied.

"I fell in love long ago... but not with anyone here"

Cynder looked down at Spyro again and her heart gave a surge, the one she had desired had come to her.

There was a rustling and Cynder looked up to see a pink dragoness running up to her. Ember skidded and sat down next to Cynder.

"Oh man..." She said quietly as she looked at the body.

"He's a handsome dragon isn't he..." She said quietly and Cynder shot her a look.

"He's almost dead!"

Ember nodded slowly as she looked him over.

"I know, I know... but come on, Look at those muscles..."

Cynder just looked at her in disbelief.

"He's next to dead, and all you can think about is his muscles!" she snapped and Ember backed off slowly.

"Wow... didn't mean to touch a nerve, Sorry."

She looked the purple dragon once more and said.

"I tell you what, he's a tough bugger... it looks like he hasn't eaten for days."

She stopped for a minute looking over him constantly, eventually she said something.

"What are you going to do with him? Shade is yelling to the class that he found a dead body and I need to get back quickly before someone does something stupid."

Cynder looked at her and asked.

"I will take care of him... I owe him that much. Please may you cover for me..."

Ember nodded slowly and said.

"Sure... Why would you owe him anything? Do you know him?"

Cynder stroked Spyro's head once more and said.

"Yeah... a long time ago... I'll take him back to my house and care for him there... I'm sorry to leave you like this."

Ember got up and started to head back to the class.

"It's OK, but we are even now! Take care of him, I'll check on you later"

Cynder called out a final farewell but then she turned her whole attention on the dragon before her.

"What happened to you?" she quietly asked as she began to pick him up.


Spyro woke slowly, his eyes drifted open at a snail's pace. The light made his eyes wince slightly, but soon he adjusted to the brightness. He looked around, he had no idea where he was. The clearing... the snow... the end was upon him. His mind was blank but then he heard her.

Spyro slowly got to his feet and crept to the window, he didn't want to tended to. He didn't deserve any treatment, he was scum in his own mind.

He froze up as he heard the soft clacking of claws, he dived onto the bed again and shut his eyes, he didn't want whoever it was to know he was awake. He kept still as the clacking came closer and closer. He felt a soft paw on his shoulder, and an equally soft voice.

"Spyro... are you going to wake up?"

That voice... no, It couldn't be. Spyro tried to keep his eyes closed but he had to know. Slowly he opened his eyes, a pair of shining green eyes looked down on him.

Spyro froze up, he knew those eye's so well. They stared at him everynight, for three years he could see those eye's when he shut his own.


He quietly said... the dragoness smiled at him and said.

"Yes Spyro... it's me"

Spyro jumped up and instantly he started to babble, his mind couldn't except it, it couldn't be her.

"No! It can't be you! You left me! No-no-no-no-no-no"

He cowered away from her and he started to apologise for some unknown reason. Cynder didn't know what to do, she could only watch as Spyro's head snapped from place to place, staring wildly.

He thought he was hallucinating again, and Cynder watched as he looked away from her, he shut his eyes and whispered repeatedly to himself.

"Go away... stop torturing me! You win! Ok you win! I couldn't kill myself you win! YOU WIN!! STOP IT PLEASE JUST STOP IT!! GO AWAY!! GO AWAY!!! PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!! SHE'S NOT HERE!! STOP IT!!"

Spyro screamed madly and Cynder felt a little part of her die, What had happened to him? He was curled up on the ground in front of her, drooling and muttering like a psychopath.

He looked at her with wide and petrified eyes and he squeaked.

"Y-y-you... why can't you leave me alone! Why must you stand there and mock me! She left me! She left me and I won't see her ever! Can't you let me die?! Why can't you let me die!!!"

He cowered from her, he quivered in fear. Why did his mind do this to him? When did it conjure up her? He quietly wept in raw fear, he didn't want to look at her, the pain it caused was too much.

Cynder slowly moved next to him and placed a wing around him, he stopped instantly. He looked at her again and he spoke with utmost caution.

"Y-y-your real... my mind isn't screwing with me..."

Cynder nodded slightly and she whispered to him.

"Yes Spyro... I'm here, I am real"

Spyro stopped for a second but that seemed to drag on and on, but then he pulled her into a tight embrace. Cynder joined in and the two felt each other's warmth for the first time in a long while. Spyro muttered slightly.

"It's you... oh ancestors... it's you"

But Cynder just shushed him and held him even tighter. Spyro had gone into shock, the one who he missed so dearly was there, he could feel her warmth, he could smell her scales, he could hear with breath in his ear and he see the black scales softly glisten in the light.

He didn't want to let go, he never wanted to be separate from her. For too long he had dreamt of this moment, and now he wanted it to last forever. Cynder too did not want to let go, after she had left him, she was in so much pain. She had wanted to turn back, she wanted to dive into Spyro's arms and for them to love each other. But she had gone past the point of no return, for years she regretted leaving him. For years Cynder's heart burned for him.

She leant back slightly to look Spyro directly in the eyes, the shimmering oceans glistened in the light.

"I missed you... I missed you so much"

Cynder said, quieter than a whisper. Spyro didn't reply, he just stared. Cynder went back to hug him again but this time Spyro stopped her. He got up and said urgently.

"I... I don't deserve this. I can't deserve! I've hurt too many people!"

He began to walk towards out of the exit, that same mumbling of self-hate hit him and Cynder jumped to her feet. She leapt on him and she pinned him to the ground.

"NO! I'm not letting you leave! I have missed you for three years! I can see the mess you are in and I will let you put me through it! If you leave you would be hurting me!"

Spyro twitched slightly under gaze, Spyro didn't know what to do, he was still in shock about seeing Cynder again after so long, But this was too much for him. He felt Cynder's grip slacken and slowly she rested on his chest, Spyro just let her and stayed completely still.

Cynder broke her hold on him and hugged him once more.

"Spyro I'm not letting you go and kill yourself! I still love you... I have done even when you weren't with me, it almost drove me mad not being with you."

Spyro just said quietly.

"I... love you Cynder, but I can't..."

Cynder looked at her and said.

"Why... Why can't you love me?"

Spyro just looked up at the roof, he couldn't face her anymore.

"I don't deserve it... I lost my mind... without you I died and I... I did so many awful things"

Spyro shut his eye and he remember, The battle was won, the attackers had been repelled, but Spyro hadn't had enough. There was a dragon, he was cowering on the floor in front of him.

"Please don't kill me... I have a family... I just want to see them again"

The voice in Spyro's head had spoken to him then, it whispered it's commands and Spyro had acted them out. The body was strewn across the grass, the dismembered mess of the dragon clear for all to see.

Spyro woke from his nightmare as he started to sweat in fear of himself.

"I murdered people... I brutally killed them in the name of Warfang... I'm a monster, they labelled me a hero for acts of MURDER!"

Cynder grabbed his arms as he began to spasm. She held him still, he cried as he spoke.

"A hero of war... is that what they see? So damn proud of me! So damn proud of the murder of husbands, of sons... I have failed my father, I have failed everyone I care about."

Cynder kept him quiet as Spyro just let more tears. He voice quivered and he felt wave after wave of remorse surge through him.

"Ignitus was my father! I have failed him! I carry his blood in my veins but I taint it with my actions, I have tainted my soul"

Cynder spoke directly to him, he looked at her and her stare pierced him.

"Spyro! You can make it better! You just have to try! You haven't disgraced your father! The fact you feel this remorse shows that you are better, give up fighting, let me help you, please Spyro."

She rested her head underneath his as she whispered.

"Please Spyro... just let me help you"

Spyro didn't know what to do, his head told him he didn't deserve this, but his heart was screaming even louder. He felt Cynder shift, he looked down but then he felt her lips on his. Cynder pressed herself against him and Spyro's heart won the fight. He slowly melted into the kiss, years of torment and hurt became dumbed down. It was still there, deep scars take a long time to heal, but just as he had felt after Hunter had told him Ignitus was his father, he felt liberated.

He glided his hand along her back, the scales were so smooth and soft to touch.

Cynder broke the kiss slowly and rested her head under his again, he trembled once more and he whispered.

"Please never leave me... please never go again"

Cynder replied in a tender voice.

"I promise, I won't leave you... I love you, and I will never leave you again."

I couldn't leave Cynder out of the story, i know i'd lose to many viewers if i did. Anyway, i kinda wanted it to be a sort of happy section, it's really depressing to write depressing stuff. I prefer being happy.

More chapters will be up, in the mean time, comment, rate and watch (if you really want, just a suggestion)
