Blind Date
If only 'cos i figured it'd give us the chance to chat and do stuff together in person. stuff we both like." as quick as the tension started, it evaporated just as quickly.
Megalopolis - A Father's Visit
Otherwise, there would be the real chance one might stumble up here and find you having a glass of scotch with 'ol anubis and your mother chatting up that pretty little female of yours."
Against All Odds: Part 37 - Currents
With a jabbing click of his mouse, alexei ended the voice chat, leaving him alone within the quiet confines of his bedroom with just the monitor's cold glow for company.
Shadow Of A Doubt - Ch. 10 - Screw Intense! This Is Lethal Practice!
They started chatting again, as if nothing had happened. i went up to jack. "everything ok?" i asked as softly as possible. "sure. zero-d is all screwed up, my arm got blown off and now i'm not a general anymore.
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 22: Summer Holiday, Part 1
They were chatting away, relaxed. spencer--the hyena whose name he remembered now--was talking to max and james while kevin and ellie were congratulating each other for another semester. max looked happy.
23 Ancient
The sound quality on the call was poor - whether as a result of the outdated cell radio or a decaying speaker - but it was good enough to have a chat with an old friend.
A Soldier’s Journal, Chapter One: A Soldier’s Thoughts on the Way to Boot Camp
We were idly chatting about this and that. zera brought up a news report that had been in circulation the last few days.
Leonardo - Chapter 12
Some were just eating what was on the table (most of the peers there); some were talking there, chatting about their day earlier; some just eating in silence. one of those eating in silence: jake.
I clicked quickly, trying to open the chat window but before it could open, his message graced me before i could even try to type. **allen says:** we need to talk. i have bad news. bad news?
Time For A Change Of Pace-Chapter 1: The Meeting Of New Friends
Not too long after that they both head off towards the bus station, chatting and generally getting to know each other a bit.
Seekers: Chapter Five: One Million
Let's chat, shall we?"
Chelle and Jack
Mark and levi continued to chat until the end of it, making plans to meet up at the party later. sherry left with her soccer friends early to get ready for the party.