D.E1 Chapter 36 The Hive
"calm down, fx. everything is going to be alright." hasky tried to calm the orange evo. it was now obvious what was going through fx's mind.
Help calm you down. which ... i hope i did?" "yeah," dotna whispered, feeling ... calm. yes. calm. "yeah," she whispered, smiling shyly. "thanks." "you're welcome." an honest, toothy smile. "mm ... it'll come back?"
D.E1 Chapter 52: The Third Offense Part II
Luke followed husky trying to calm him down but nothing seemed to work. "i knew it..." husky whispered as he looked around in search of something. "calm down husky!"
Sleepy Mornings With a Hyperactive Dragon
She asks, voice considerably more calm than before. "yep. clear everything, girlie." "but i like those thoughts!" as quick as it went, her excitement comes back. "i'm sure you do, girlie. but just trust me, okay?"
Kofuku: A World Reborn Chapter One: New beginning
He liked the serene calm he could get from these woods but still had things to do in town. 'i'll get some rest before tomorrow, it'll be a long day.' he thought to himself as he crawled into bed and pulled up the covers.
Aniu; Day 5
From there everyone calmly walked towards the conference room shortly after violet spoke. everyone slowly gathered in the large room then they calmly took their seats. once everyone was comfy violet stood back up then looked around the room.
Future Sanctuary - Chapter 1: Fireball
Raising her eyes once more to the fireball arcing across the sky she continues in a calm voice, "as for the republic, they are timid and their little lodeships are no match for ours.
Spirit Bound: Chapter 111
I had to use some charm magic to...calm him down. he'll be back to normal in an hour or so, but i needed to act before he had a full attack." nicholas calmed down some and nodded. "yeah, i guess. thanks." he looked over at his brother. "you okay?"
They Were Roommates
Once he sees jeremy calming down, not trembling anymore, he decided to go for it. "so, i got a hunch from the start, but this confirms it. you're a vampire, aren't you?" jeremy was surprised. "i- i am, and i... wait, excuse me, how are you so calm?
S1 Ep4 Home
Even though this place is nothing like home it's still calming and relaxing to be here no forced marriages to think about." ....
Mesozoic Park (Part 12)
The prick of the dart was a bit of a surprise to her, she flinched, but did not jump up, her looking and acting so calm helped keep the pack calm enough to be sedated too.
The Lead Crown: Ch 8.2a, Rude Awakenings
Thankfully, enarork finally got his brother to calm down, at which time the big bear grew immediately remorseful over having awoken the kit.