Asch'an (Part One)

But the option was better than the one that had faced him earlier. better than freezing to death. better than asphyxiation.

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Growvember Day 5

It wasn't every day you woke up with the start of a six pack on your stomach and better muscularity. some of the giants who were already in shape were practically buff at this point.

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Merlin's Revenge Chapter 24

All the better to leave you my dear. it was still burning but it was well on the way of burning itself out, left to take its own natural corse. no flames shot out of broken windows.


Flying High

The theory is wearing that suit should make you perform better at certain things. falcons are better than humans at many things, so we want to see if wearing a falcon suit will improve a human's abilities, such as with eyesight."

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Black Petals: Chapter 4 ~ The Training Begins...

Shadow continued, "you need to work on your strength and power so you will be better equipped to defend yourself in any and all situations. understood?"

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Rise of Evil: Chapter 2

If you want the story to be longer, and have better progression and seem better then this one, well just say so. "sometimes we learn by doing, but what happens when you do by learning?

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The Countryside

Eventually i succeeded in my attempt to run into her again and decided that now was a better time than never to introduce myself.

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Kitty. Ch.1

"well, we better get you to the police station and hope that they know the whereabouts of your parents." kira found some clothes for kitty and got her dressed up.

What's going on?

When she closed the door, she felt a lot better. she went up stairs quickly to avoid questions from her mother and quickly got into the shower.

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Black(s) Past - Chapter I and II

'better i walk home quickly' i think and begin to run home.

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Calder's Farm

"alright calder, but it better be good. otherwise i'm dragging you out to stomp out some goblins. your combat skills aren't rusty are they?" "better than yours.

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Chapter 3: A Truth Revealed

"i like akiana better" "what about you? do you have a name under that title?" akiana asked hesitant at first as to his reply. "you can call me walker. if it suits you better, that is." he replied. "walker. hmm. short, subtle.

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