From Schoolwork to Homeworkings
#3 of new kid ok it's been ages since i posted last but i hope to change that in the future, i'm having major writer's block and have hit a wall with how to do things but i hope that will change soon enough, but for now here's the next part in my story, i
Family Days 8
Also suffered a bit of writer's block (still getting through it...any suggestions?) and what not, but i think it's receeding! oh well, should get it out much more quickly now!
Life in the Apocalypse: Chapter 11
Except, of course, when i get such a bad writer's block that it limits me to only a few paragraphs every day... but the important thing is that the story must go on!
Grayson 1
writer's block is a genuine phenomenon and not merely petulant griping of writers who simply don't want to work today, or tomorrow, or next week.
Seasons in the Sun: Chapter 1 - Missed Opportunities
writer's block is a hell of a bitch, but i've finally gotten over the hump. this is chapter is the first of rorick and elyssa's story. it's a tale i've had floating in my head now for six years.
College Bound: Chapter 3 - Keeping Secrets
Omg i really need to stop writing so quickly or else i'm just gonna hit a wall and i'm gonna be in writer's block, but i can't help it! i get these ideas in my head and i have to write them down!
Journey to another world ch50
If you fans want me to continue with this series then i'll just take a little brake and make sure that i don't hit one of those really bad writers blocks, that seem to plague most writers at some point or another.
Zootopia: The Initiative - Chapter 7
#7 of zootopia: the initiative author's note: so, as some of you may have seen, i got hit by writer's block hard.
Kyurex (Pokemon): Part 27 - Altala - The City at Night
^^ i said my writers block has taken the back seat. so prepare for an intense plot and action guys!! oh yeah!!
A Story of Shadow, Part II
I have finally figured out a way to write without hitting major writer's block ^.^ comments, favs, votes, all much appreciated. so without any further talking from me, please enjoy........
Only Dreaming- How it Started
\_\_\_\_\_\_\_update 12\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ rellik smiled at ed, [writer's block; 3/11/10 - 3/16/10] \_\_\_\_\_\_\_update 13\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ something ed never though he'd see in his lifetime since he'd ended up in this rotten place.
He who passed the Proving grounds
**author's note, sorry for the dark period but i had a bad case of writers block after the black out.