An Epitaph for Badrang the Tyrant

An epitaph for badrang the tyrant by foxpiper here lies the body of badrang the tyrant, who was viewed by all beasts as a vermin most violent; he was felled by a fighter, that abhorred the blasted blighter; thus, his roars

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Yellow eyes watching padded footsteps silent fear's snatching shaking; quiver violent perfect trap better hustle twigs snap leaves rustle quick dash swift death blood splash no breath  

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Hold the rope within your grasp, the sudden change of the violent current. and you'll be alive in the end, talking to her- motionless.

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Can You Blame Me?

Unaware of the caused violence by those who follow. their lists of sins misconstrued to petty black claws used against those wishing to stay pure white. those living for themselves little caused harm.

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Slave pacification (3)

Soon, all that was left of his violent struggles was an annoyed glare on a poofy wolf.

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Breaking Point: Chapter Four

Kammy's reaction was the most violent out of all of them. she clutched at her chest and twitched violently. jo turned around once the shock of the violent scare settled down. standing behind everyone was a very large koopa.


Perceptional - Pt 5: Over the reaction

Mark decided it was enough with the more violent of tests, since it was obvious that lucas was plenty disturbed from it.

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Spartan 0-6, Ch.1

It contains graphic violence and coarse language. i apologize if it's hard to read. it looks better in word. i accept all comments.

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Toni's Diary Entry #7 - The Universe vs. the Six-Inch Monster

This senseless act of violence will not go unanswered or unpunished. i advise everyone listening to me to go home, make peace with your loved ones, and be prepared for the weeks to come.

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Second Chances & New Beginnings: Prologue

What was worse was that when his father drank he became violent, and that violence had manifested itself in the abuse that he'd heaped on his innocent little boy. that abuse had ruined his son, making him into a mere shadow of what he could have been.

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Sacrifice of the Celesteon Prologue

For a long while, it seemed rather peaceful, as if we served little purpose, other than protecting our creators from the indigenous species that were... rather violent._ _please excuse me, i seem to have forgotten to introduce myself.

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I Remember

**i remember, and mourn** **_i remember that day:_** **the twin pillars ablaze like so many of the watching souls;** **adults weeping from devastation and loss;** **children weeping from pure devastation and violence;** **so many lost because of just

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