Chapter 1: The Raid
"why the fuck are you doing this? why would the thief king order an attack on a loyal village?" i say after i realize he had left me ungagged.
A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 15 (The Date - Part 1)
Then there's sex, sex is another thing he knew about, but again he never thought about it or understood where it fits into the grand scheme of things. sex is where babies come from, when a guy and a girl, you know... do it.
Just a beggar
fucking government, fucking fox. there's no use talking. my friend is looking straight forward, gazing at nothing - his eyes lacking life-luster similar to those of a gelded horse. how'll it go next time?
"fuck-fucking fucker fuck you you fucking fuck head fuck!" rain was already wading toward her and with fear in her eyes she tried to desperately doggy paddle away.
Hypnovember '23: Executive Dysfunction
I'm so weak, i'm so fucking weak, i'm pathetic, i'm a lazy piece of shit. i'm a lazy piece of fucking shit.
Wolves' Legacy 3: Prologue
"(yeah, we all know how you've become a fucking monster now. now open this fucking door already!)" i made a laugh to rhynsa's comment.
Candyland Isn't For Me
"i can't wait to be out of these fucking things... you don't even know," i squeaked out meekly. "i hate the stewpid wion so much." i say as i play with my thumbs.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 38: Gentle Knocks
_"fuck, kev, i love you! don't you fucking dare leave me alone!"_ "don't you fucking dare think that i'm gonna leave you alone!" he felt like a small child again, inside that cupboard with shaun holding him, making him feel safe.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 43: A Chance to Try Again
If you wanna fuck, do it somewhere else." he rolled his eyes as he put his plate down and washed his hands. "tell me that when you stop bringing people here to fuck." he wiped his hands dry. "i fucking mean it! i don't want you fucking a guy here!"
Chapter 45: Love for Many Mating Seasons to Come
#45 of the mating season 5 chapter 45: love for many mating seasons to come eleven years had passed. but kilyan still remembered the night wynn left them as if it had been yesterday.
After The Draft
"fuck," she muttered. then again, "fuck." her headache was still there in full force.
Black Meridian: White Lies
She'd done her time being a fucking monster for his approval, and now she was slapped with _delicate sensibilities_? "fuck. you." she whispered, standing slowly. "fuck. this." damn the sultan's curse. damn isaiah, damn his lies of revolution.