Ma'at Bio
Dislikes: cold weather, wasting the day, leopards, hyenas, eagles, anyone who shows disrespect to her ancient beliefs, needles.
Conquering the Wild- A Clean Lynx TF
Even in bad weather, she knew the top view was beautiful, the perfect reward for rising to the challenge. it was just that she couldn't stop panting. "dammit."
Coming of the Snow
Many people just dismissed the unusual weather as nothing special and went about their business. when the weather reports indicated that there was a major storm headed their way it just confirmed that things would soon be returning to normal.
Chapter 1: A Spark of Embers
Later, i would see how she coped with the harsh mountain terrain and the many faces of its weather. for now...
Cold death
I decided to stay where i was, waiting for the weather to clear up, hoping to join with the other survivors then. there wasn't any other real option. nobody prepared us for this.
Against All Odds: Part 33 - Reverie
What have you been doing out in this weather?" "i went into the city, then to visit the park. the weather was nicer before..." 'before i fell asleep.' "...before it got dark." "the park? why?"
Experiment Time
Miami may have had the best weather for future survivle, but the reek of year-round summer on dead and decaying things was very evident to him now. paul decided that he would try the local grocery store first.
A romance in the countryside: chapter 1
"in this weather?" he said, gesturing to the window. "i like this weather." grandad just shook his head."well, whatever. go have fun with ya friends smoking pot or whatever it is you kids do these days." he remarked with a joking grin.
The Sin'karri
Nothing was going on out in the barrens, however, besides the weather it truly lived up to its name.
With Arms Wide Open Ch. 3
"we're sorry for the technical malfunction, before we say goodbye we are going to go to weather man simon black. "thanks jack, well as you can see this storm is covering all of crawford city and then some.
Saved by a Lucario Chapter 1
The lucario walked beside nycteus, determined to stick with him until they were both out of this nasty weather. "is it not storm season?" nycteus wracked his brain. "is... it?" he had no clue.
Excerpt 21-The Volatiles
Mary's catholic church time: 7:52 pm weather: super storm incoming, 75mph winds, heavy rain imminent the clear weather we had on the way to the church didn't last.