Tears in the Aisle (Otherwise Untitled)

~ To the success of the plan, the grocery was significantly less occupied during the hours the badger had selected, and she found the cereal aisle to be empty on her arrival. She peered down along its length, fingers clamped firmly onto the handle of...

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Vacancies Elsewhere (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The door to the motel seemed nearly to fly free from its hinges as Jake broke out and into the parking lot at a dead run, the dragon brokering no account to property damages at the moment. ~ Across the length of the parking lot, the kobold had...

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Fool's Contract (Otherwise Untitled)

~ With a tablet displaying the summary of engineering reports, Captain DeCaro nodded agreeably to the sound of the pilot's shout. ~ "We've got sight on the target, Sir!", the pug called out, their focus remaining on the controls and displays of their...

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Snow and Gas (Otherwise Untitled)

With the wisps of Winter a flurry about the outside of the car under the night-time lights of the gas station, Jake remained a curled up bundle of dragon and blanket in the passenger seat. The heater and fan of the car grumbled along helpfully as the...

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Wrench and Drive (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The kobold stood on the car's front bumper, tucked in under the shade provided by the raised hood. His fingers smudged with grease and oil, the tray of parts laid carefully atop the air intake. Randy surveyed the work before him, mind rolling through...

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Wheels and Papers (Otherwise Untitled)

~ At the sound of the bell and whistle, the fox groaned audibly. Looking up from her book to the subway car around her, fellow passenger's expressions generally matched her feelings. She tucked her book into her satchel while the car rattled into the...

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Honorable Duel (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The bartender seemed to beam a bit, at how much the dragon seemed to enjoy the beer. "You really seem to've enjoy that, Hon.", she observed to Jake. ~ The dragon nodded, "It's been a while since I've had one that was properly fresh, thanks." ~...

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Musical Pause (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Through the dimly lit haze of the bar, the badger up on stage could see that a pair of folk off in the corner were standing rather angrily at something. She stood up from her stool, fingers not missing a beat or strum of the wooden guitar currently...

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Trained Sight (Otherwise Untitled)

~ With a sweltering sun above and lingering dust from the previous trials downrange, Cadet Clip drew in a pensive breath. ~ The clanks of resetting mechanisms and crackle of public address system filled in the silence. Cadet Clip exhaled, slowly. ~...

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Tall Hike (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Heavily heaving breaths and wobbling about the knees, the hyena took a moment of respite amongst the oppressive heat of the morning. There was still just a bare glimmer of sun on the horizon, and the night's sweltering fog clung with vigor to the...

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There's no tide on the lake (Otherwise Untitled)

~ "I don't know what I was thinking.", a strained squeak. ~ The lake was the ebb and wobble that the canoe always found it to be, the mouse laid out on her back in its length. The pale blue sky above was an endless spread of soft lack of features as...

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Fragmenting Courage (Otherwise Untitled)

~ In a moment of glittering courage, the lynx managed to catch up with the fleet in her light strike fighter, now that it was slowed by battle. The stars were a linear sprawl of rainbow for the moment of coming out of FTL, before the sight of this was...

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