Ra's Begining

If we make them into mindless warriors, we'll be able to have an unstoppable army!"

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Academy High's And Lows

It was the very essence of his attitude towards the whole lot, but marcus just seemed, for just that one moment, unstoppable. the statement came as an itch to the blue pup's twitching ear.

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Meanwhile: Chapter 2

He knew now that with him as his right hand man they would be unstoppable. "no, please, don't do this!" the female cried as she struggled to free herself, "please!"

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Auxelle's Fight

The stinging pain is enough to make her grow and expand her body big enough to truly make her a unstoppable force, but even becoming titanic did not hold a candle to the insurmountable rage the wolf feels for making her do such an act against her friend.

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Playing with Fire

Sure, he may have unleashed a nigh-unstoppable demonic monster onto the world, but that was other people's problem; not his. his hopes further soared when she continued to speak, and he found himself lowering onto his knees in both relief and thanks.

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Kickaha's Day Off

"in our recorded history, in every conquest you appear just before our moment of glory, and somehow manage to turn back our unstoppable plan. you even managed to steal the crown once.

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Escape From the Nursery of Doom

By four year old standards she was strong and fast, but she was fighting an unstoppable machine of pure motherly evil. then again, as sinopa saw what lucia did out of the corner of her eye, they weren't so unstoppable after all.

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993 On Deck

In front of his vision, error messages are appearing and multiplying across the board, as the unstoppable force encounters the immovable object and the rules get redefined.

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Sheep in Wolves Clothing

A faint sphere of light emanated around the wolf and seemed to be an impenetrable, unstoppable force slowly moving out from him. it was gentle and subdued, not a blinding flash of light.

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Guns & Arrows: Segment of my book "Planes"

Despite being a shifter, the maldoran equivalent of a shock trooper, he was not unstoppable. his strength and endurance, while formidable indeed, would not last forever and was beginning to show signs of wearing out.

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Instincts of Justice Chapter 1: Mysterious Nights

He then unstoppered the bottle and began placing dots of the gel all over the cloth making sure only one side was completely covered and that he didn't get any on himself.

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Between Winters, Part XVI

The unstoppable force he had in the greyrobes made him feel safe, confident and powerful.

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