Guns & Arrows: Segment of my book "Planes"

Story by Furrywriter on SoFurry

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Passes later, Sevlow, and his group of guardsmen training to become infantry, had been cut off and severely damaged by a devastating ambush. They fought a long, brutal, and one sided battle that had left them demoralized, exhausted, and their numbers depleted. Still, they weren't allowed to stop. Despite this, several of the men stopped suddenly and refused to go any further without resting even with most of them moving on.

The forest behind them was a tunnel of green that seemed to cave in around whoever was inside. Earlier, Sevlow believed it the safest way to get back to Corova, but it had only proved to be an area for hostile forces to effectively hide and ambush them. Their attempt to fight back was in vain and only created more casualties for the Maldorans.

These thoughts and realizations hit Sevlow like a brick in the face as his pace slowed down with everyone else's and he came to a full stop with the rest of the survivors. Despite being a Shifter, the Maldoran equivalent of a shock trooper, he was not unstoppable. His strength and endurance, while formidable indeed, would not last forever and was beginning to show signs of wearing out.

A man named Conroy, who did an impressive job fighting in the aforementioned battle, sat down next to Maller, the only person he felt was respectable enough for his attention, due to him holding his own during the fighting. He wiped the sweat from his head, took several deep breathes, and went through his pockets, placing the contents on the floor; three Suns worth of rations, half of them now drained of their contents, a small satchel filled with gold Drakes (coins), and a ruby colored spellstone with a "C" carved into it to show ownership. He then picked up the empty rations packages, crumpled them, and left them on the ground beside him.

"You shouldn't leave anything behind that someone could use to follow us." Maller said, eyeing the empty packages Conroy left on the ground.

"Why not? It's not like they won't catch up with us eventually." Conroy answered.

"Doesn't mean we should make it easy for them. And are you really so dead set on dying here?" Maller asked with concern spiking his words.

Conroy sighed sadly then said, "I've been wishing I was dead for a long time. I honestly wouldn't mind if I died here so long as I went down fighting."

"Why? What happened?" Maller asked, now curious to learn more about his friend's mysterious past; Conroy, however, made no response and completely ignored all further inquiries about his past from Maller.

"How is it you possess ownership of a spellstone? Aren't they only given out to medics and Shifters?" Maller asked upon seeing Conroy put his spellstone back into the pouch on the front of his tunic.

"Skyriders are sometimes given them as well. But sometimes, though this is quite rare, one can obtain ownership of one if they prove themselves worthy to the Council." Conroy informed.

"What did you do that made you worthy enough for one?" Maller asked, clearly wanting to change the subject to know badly.

"It's a long story." Conroy answered simply and put the rest of the items back in his pockets.

"You'll have to tell me it some time." Maller told him.

"I seriously doubt either of us will live long enough for that." Conroy said, again looking away while speaking.

"Don't you think we'll survive this?" Maller asked, irritation making itself heard in his voice.

"Not really." Conroy answered with a scoff.

"Now stop that!" Maller said, now noticeably annoyed.

"Think about it. Are any of us trained in this kind of thing?" Conroy asked and folded his arms.

"I am." Maller said simply.

"Fine. I guess you might have a chance to survive this whole ordeal. But who else? How many battles do you know of that were won by only one person?" Conroy responded with surprising bitterness in his voice.

"Aren't you trained in fighting as well?" Maller inquired.

"No, I only taught at the Academy. That would hardly account for anything in a situation like this." Conroy answered bluntly, expressing how little faith in his own abilities he had. It appeared he had more to say on the topic, but someone else spoke up.

"Get up! We do not stop until we reach Corova!" Sevlow said, his voice alone catching the attention of half his men as he pulled one of them to his feet and got the attention of the rest with that gesture.

"With all due respect, sir, shut up!" Conroy said, some possible prejudice suggested by his cold, blunt voice.

"Come on! It is only a few Clusters away!" Sevlow said, but none found any comfort in the fact that they would be walking for several Clusters more.

"Do you really think any of us are gonna make it?" Conroy asked after he removed a boot from his blistered foot.

"Not with an attitude like that! Now get up before you infect anyone else with your negativity!" Sevlow said angrily; his pointy fang-like teeth visible for a moment.

Conroy simply shook his head in doubt and ignored him and rubbed at the blisters that went up the entire length of his foot; wincing in pain all the while before one hand reached in his pocket at which, the blisters slowly became less noticeable, then seemed to disappear entirely.

"Then you leave me no choice!" Sevlow said and drew the sword from its sheath on Conroy's hip and pressed it threateningly against Maller, the second-in-command of the legion in training.

His men, alarmed, got up quickly and with haste. A smile briefly formed on Sevlow's face when his plan to get everyone's attention worked.

"All right, listen up!" he began, pressing the sword gently against Maller's chest, to emphasize how serious he was. "Anyone who wants to stay here and rest, go ahead. But I am going to Corova! Our enemies march on its location and they have to be warned. Either come with me and survive, or stay here and die. Those are your only options. Anyone choosing anything else, anything at all, will be killed by my hands!" Sevlow said, and stressed the final part by flexing his clawed fingers.

Sevlow stood there for several moments, watching, waiting. Half his group got up while the other half stayed put. He turned his back to them and resumed walking away. A concussive blast invaded everyone's ears as a shot of hot lead came from someone hidden in the forest and one of the men at the head of the column fell dead faster than anyone could see.

"Everyone, get up! NOW!" Sevlow said as he drew his bow from his back, knocked an arrow, and pulled the string to his cheek.

His face suddenly took on a drastically different appearance when his ears lengthened and became pointy as they rotated back and forth to the tiniest noises. The ocean blue sapphires that were his eyes rapidly paced back and forth as he searched for his foe. His bow slowly swept back and forth across the forest, and his arrow stayed knocked with only two fingers.

In the blink of an eye, the arrow vanished from the drawn bowstring. While everyone stood around wondering what just happened, a figure suddenly appeared from within the woods and fell to the grassy ground. Sevlow, in an impressive demonstration of speed and strength, leapt from where he stood and grabbed the man by the throat; shoving him against a nearby tree. His eyes stared into the man's terrified eyes; his sharp, shiny teeth bore at him threateningly and angrily.

"Who are you?" Sevlow asked with a growl and snarl.

The captured man turned his head away but Sevlow turned it back and said, "No, scratch that, I do not care who you are! How many men are you leading?! TALK!!!" He roared out, emphasizing every part with a strike to a different part of his body.

The man turned his head away again and Sevlow growled then grabbed the arrow protruding from his stomach and twisted it; getting tortured screams from the man as he did while blood oozed and dripped from his wound.

"Fine, we will do this your way! Every Blink you do not answer me, the arrow goes deeper into your gut!" He said with intensity as he pushed it in more and twisted.

"Sir, stop! He's just a hunter!" Maller said, and tried to pry Sevlow's fingers from the man's throat and stomach.

Sevlow only gave a brief growl and a glance behind him before his other hand reached forward and ripped the cloth tunic off the man; revealing a suit of Kevlar underneath which indicated his alliance with their enemy.

"'Just a hunter' you say?" Sevlow snarled and got gasps of fear from his men.

All of their protests and complaints were cut off when another round came. Everyone raised their shields, but none fell dead. Sevlow's eyes widened when he saw a bloodied bullet hole in the interrogated man's chest before he went limp. His arms were still around his throat, and he was fully aware that the man remained alive from a faint pulse he felt in his fingertips.

Gargled gasps came from his punctured lungs as the man silently begged for death. Strangely and without thought, Sevlow twisted the man's neck and spared him any more pain. The pained breathing came to an abrupt and surprised stop, and then the man went completely limp.

"A scout!" Sevlow said as his grip on the man loosened and he set him down from his strong, sturdy grasp.

"Everyone, take cover! We are under attack!" Sevlow yelled as he ran to the front of the woods with his human form vanishing and going entirely into his alternate form; which looked to be a humanoid wolf with massive, throbbing muscles and empty, open hands armed with razor sharp claws on every finger.

The boots Sevlow wore slid off and his feet bent and curved until his heels no longer touched the ground. He dug his claws into the ground beneath him with every step, making him an immovable object. Sevlow's massive form somehow managed to successfully hide behind a tree. His ears quivered as he heard movement all around him, and the daggers on the tips of his fingers flexed and relaxed in an attempt to calm himself.

All his men quickly scrambled to their feet and drew their weapons. Seven men stood at the front of the formation, shoulder to shoulder, shields raised and protecting the one next to them. The front line all had spears drawn and ready for use while those directly behind them had bows and swords raised and ready to be used when commanded. Each stood tense and nervous while they waited.

"Leo, Regit, to me!" Sevlow said, and two men, both unarmed but clad in light armor and heavily muscled, immediately came to his side.

All three Shifters except Sevlow held a spellstone in their hands, and when they took position beside him, their boots slipped off. The light metal armor they wore vanished, and thick fur replaced it. Within seconds, their human shapes were gone and what looked to be a human shaped and sized lion and tiger stood beside him, each covered in layers of thick muscle that was intimidating to friend and foe alike.

Sweat gathered on Sevlow's furred forehead and slowly dripped into his blue eyes until he blinked them away. Leaves crumbled in front of them, and the shady forms of more than twelve dozen humans appeared inside the forest and went into standard formations. Men throughout the hostile formations screamed and shouted orders to the rest, and very soon, all had their rifles raised and combat ready.

"Stand at attention, but do not engage until either me, or one of my Shifters make their attack. It has been an honor serving with you all. And I am glad to have known you!" Sevlow told them mentally to avoid giving away his position.

He felt their frightened minds grow a little calmer. It was all he could do to ease their anxiety. Then, when the footsteps kept getting closer until they felt inches away, he shot his arm to his side and cut through the first attacker's neck. Blood sprayed out of the man's slashed neck and he fell to the ground; making a growing pool of sanguine manna beside him.

"Take aim!" Sevlow said; out loud this time.

All his men raised their bows and aimed at different targets. Through his mind, he coordinated their positions and they saw where their foes were located and took separate targets. Within mere moments, more than a dozen of their foes, all armed and likely armored as well, appeared in their line of sight and were within range.

"FIRE!" Sevlow yelled while throwing his arm down as the Maldorans let loose their volley.

Most of the hostiles simply continued their forward charge and only a few fell dead. Most of the ones who fell dead were either hit in the neck or face. Before they had any more time to confirm their kills, the Maldorans were forced back behind the shield wall to avoid a round of shots from damaging them. Bullets hit them head on, knocking a few of the Maldorans off their feet, and killing several unfortunate men who didn't get behind the shield wall in time.

Blood splattered and stained the shiny, polished shields while the rest of the barrage simply bounced off without leaving so much as a dent. Those in the second and third rows lowered their bows to reload while all those behind them stepped forward and added to what became a near constant stream of arrows. Many found their targets but weren't visibly wounded except by them falling dead. Each step added additional pressure and intensity to the Maldorans; made visible by their weapons becoming shaky.

It was around this time that the first of the enemy ranks stepped out of the forest only to be cut down by Sevlow's claws. Leo and Riget awaited his signal before they joined their Captain.

"Fire at will! Aim for the neck or head!" Sevlow yelled and was joined by the two other Shifters as they cut and ripped through them.

More and more arrows came, but this time, nearly all found their targets and killed them. The bodies of their targets began piling up at the front of the forest, making their foes slow down forced them to move around them as the arrows kept coming and coming constantly; hitting them like a wave of death and engulfing them almost entirely.

Several enemy riflemen kept charging despite sustaining so many arrow wounds that they looked like pincushions before the Shifters finally cut them to shreds. Sevlow grabbed an arrow that missed its target and went into a tree, then pulled it out and used it to slash open several throats before he thrust it through the chest of one soldier.

Eventually, despite the heavy resistance given by the Shifters and archers, they got past the main wall of Maldorans, mostly by simply going around them. Yells of rage came from the lungs of the first linemen as the first to attempt breeching their formation was beheaded.

"Swords!" Maller commanded as everyone in the first line raised their spears, while everyone behind them raised their swords with liquid synchronization and battle cries.

"CHARGE! Wipe them out!" Maller then ordered as the entire block of Maldorans mobilized to meet their foes head on.

Another line of arrows hit their foes right before the last of the archers lowered their bows and replaced them with swords. The spears of everyone in the frontline were thrust forward, knocking the enemies off their feet and eviscerating many of them. The rest joined in on the attack as they broke through and destroyed their ranks like wild fire through a forest of dried timbers.

Guns crossed with swords, and swords crossed with the heads of those too slow to raise their guns to block, or had their guns cut in half by swords before taking their lives. The eyes of the advancing block were filled on all sides with the motions of combat as the few that got past their formation without major injury fought back.

Sevlow and the two other Shifters fought in a fury of raw animal instinct as severed heads and body parts fell and scattered all around them. They were hit by numerous gunshots but never showed any sign of slowing down or even discomfort. Working in conjunction with Riget and Leo, they effectively thinned out their ranks to the point that most who managed to get past them were either stopped by swords or arrows as soon as they got within range.

Sevlow's sword-like claws took on a mind of their own as they ripped through foe after foe until one actually managed to block his arm with their rifle. A snarling growl came from his curled lips as his other arm went to disembowel him, only to be blocked again. Without wasting any time, Sevlow's head lunged forward and his razor sharp teeth sank into the man's nose and tore off his face.

His tortured screams were like drowning gargling gasps coming from the empty abyss that was once his face. Blood sprayed on Sevlow's chest as the man fell and he wore it proudly like a well earned trophy before he ran further into the forest and gutted the next one with a stab from his claws before spinning around and removing another's head.

Red poured from the bodies of the spent combatants, coming from both sides in roughly equal amounts. The majestic armor of the sub-commanders continued to get painted with the blood of their foes as members of their column dropped on all sides, many falling dead, and many more fell wounded; hurt too badly to continue fighting unless something was done, and quickly.

Maller saw this and commanded when the barrel of a man's assault rifle halted his sword slashes before being redirected and cleaving the man's head from his shoulders, "Conroy! Tend to the wounded!"

"I'm kind of busy at the moment!" Conroy said as he too, fought for his life against numerous foes.

"Just do it! This is war! If you disobey, people die!" Maller said; his voice then replaced by screams as a round sank into his side.

Conroy stood staring at his Captain for a couple of Blinks. The wound was not severe, but it did stun him even though he got back up and continued fighting only moments later. His eyes turned and stared at Conroy, fury in his gaze as a reminder that he gave an order that had to be obeyed.

After his path had been cleared of fighting for the moment, Conroy ran towards the nearest wounded man and pressed his spellstone against the wound before the wound disappeared while the spellstone slowly shrank and he went on to heal the next one, and the next one, and the next one...

The fight raged on, and the organized attacks and counter-attacks devolved into a free-for-all when all the combatants left their formations and fought for themselves. The ones Conroy healed only a few Blinks ago charged forward and joined in the assault. Then, just like that, it ended. The Maldoran's faces became puzzles of expressions when the remaining foes fled and ran for their lives without being given an order to do so, many of which weren't allowed to leave with it, and were shot in the back.

The Maldorans cheered in victory, weapons raised and pounding against shields, voices yelling, and Shifters howling and roaring their animalized equivalents of battle cries.

Suddenly, everyone froze and the screams stopped when a second formation of hostiles appeared, more than five times larger than the one they just defeated. Sevlow felt terror in him for the first time in years as he stared at the impossibly outnumbering foes. His breathing became heavy and his lungs burned as the tiredness of combat hit him all at once.

His arms and, especially, his fingers, stung with exertion until he wiggled the exhaustion out of them. When the burning in his lungs ended his eyes clenched shut when he realized what he must do. He tried to speak many times, but his vocal chords froze in terror and defiance.

"Everyone! Get out of here! Get the message to the capital! Go! GO!" He yelled when his voice finally decided to cooperate and saw the look of panic on everyone's faces even with tears dripping down his face.

He reached out and stopped Leo and Regit, asking them to stay behind with him. Their reactions and responses proved their loyalty to a Captain he believed them to resent.

"I am with you to the end!" Regit said as he took position beside his Captain.

"I swore to protect the land of Maldora, and I intend to make good on that promise!" Leo said.