A beautiful world, prologue part 2/2

Vulpines and bears were making out the largest amount but it was a city of the strong and rugged, so many strong individuals ventured there as they began a tournament, the tournament of might, which drew many a people's attention as muscular anthros competed


Lost trust and regenerating confidence

We spoke through telepathy about everything and never lost a tournament. we were best friends...until he went away. after we had won the kalos league i decided it would be nice to take a year off and not compete anymore.

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Chapter 20

"i will be sure to enjoy the remaining matches in this fine tournament. in addition, i would like for the opportunity to speak with each and every one of you about anything you wish.

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Chapter 31

"remember the tournament and what happened with aura?" the group nodded. "it's exactly like that. nu will restart the tournament later today, and siphon the energy from each of the competitors in order to power his spell.

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Scouting Profile

By the time the tournament arrived, i was wound up tight enough to explode. much like the year before, the tournament was a two day affair; the first day was all round-robin games to determine the seeding for the second day.

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Sight of the heart Part VII

The rule about not hording pokemon from one regional tournament to the next has been removed, this would be an advantage for amy as well as a disadvantage.

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Aciec Aeternam (etarnal Battlefield) Chapter Six

"i'm curious if it is possible to hold fighting tournaments in there, now that would be fun!" he continued. sam nodded, he already had plans to test out newly developed weapons in there when he was ready for it.

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 27 tough challenge

Ember said, as it was the only thing that was really important for her in the tournament. "that's right." georga agreed.

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S4 Ep18-The Aftermath

#19 of the heroes of gaia (season 4) that was a weird fight, but something is.... kinda sus news got out about the quiet match about an unknown wolf beating artemis in a post game beast battle, and that the tournament took place within one very long day.

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Beast's & Crystal Beast's Vs Hero's & Synchro's

See you at the tournament." the screen went black. i grabbed my remote and turned it off. then there was a knock at my door, i walked to my door and opened it. there was nobody there i looked around then i look down and saw a envelop.

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Beast & Crystal Beast Vs Heros & Synchros

I read it, but it wasn't just a letter but an invitation to a tournament in las vegas, nv on 11, september 09 at 2:00 pm. a badge fell out it was a rainbow color with a crystal on it. i picked it up and looked at it.

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The E.A.G.A.M.E.S Exegisis Pt. 1

T.e.a.m., for our bi-monthly casting tournament. put on your platform shoes and get ready to rock out to some deaf leopard and moltey crue on friday, our weekly hair metal night.

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