Rebirth ch23

I held out my own hand, palm up, and watched with studded breath as he dropped the first gym badge into my hand. "congratulations. you've earned your first badge." i was so shocked that i did a double take of the badge and then looked up at him.

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Waterfall romance (a tale for alexuslioness and slashermew)

Was an attractive eighteen year old raven-wolf her hair was black as night with two small blue ears pointing through her curtain of darkness, she turnt around to face her, her face was now showing, her deep violet eyes, deep red lips and her simple silver studs

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.05: A Kirin's Origin - Ep03

"hava... stud?" she mumbled and unthinkingly, she went to answer, not paying attention to her ragged appearance, and opened the door. "morning, sassy!" panja's voice boomed, startling the poor kirin. "oh god! panja!

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Story Guide: BOVERSE

Obviously they're not all going to be uber-attractive super-sluts 'n' super-studs, most people in the real world aren't, and i'm assuming a similar distribition (but not strictly) as a general rule of grounded storytelling and characterisation

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The Subject Under Discussion

Mentally, i put him at around 24 or 25 - a very respectable age for a young stud. "if you can stand it, let me give you a little literary history then.

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The adventures of Seberith Into the void

Jinks eyes widened and he stud up and dashed for the door hoping to get there soon enough seb chuckled "what do you mean looking for me."

Meet The Guardians: The Fashionable Fencer

If you couldn't tell, this was created from reading over semille's 'meet the studs' one too many times. i couldn't help it, i had the idea for guardians for over two years, now. i couldn't just sit down and do nothing!

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Ch. 1 Meeting Chris

I threw on a tank-top and my red hoodie and put my ear studs in and went out through the garage, grabbing my penny board.

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Ch. 1 Meeting Chris

I threw on a tank-top and my red hoodie and put my ear studs in and went out through the garage, grabbing my penny board.

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Ch. 1 Meeting Chris

I threw on a tank-top and my red hoodie and put my ear studs in and went out through the garage, grabbing my penny board.

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Sean: part 4: a new life

Walked out (since it was the end of the day) when i came out of school carol was waiting for me, she waved and i walked over "hi i thought i was gonna walk home" i said "no sweetie i take you to and from school, mother's job and who is this stud

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She laughed, turning around to stick her tongue out at him, the silver labret-stud on her lower lip glittering lightly. "for the last time, i don't \*like\* carrot cake, and that is species stereotyping. i won't stand for it."

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