Fur and Feather

It seems to me you're stuck here. i'd suggest you get used to it." she continued to cry. eventually, perhaps due to dehydration, the tears stopped.

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Always Me - Chapter 4

I stuck finger in and pulled some out. i debated on wither it was poisonous or not and stuck it in my mouth. it didn't really taste like anything, but i decided to wait and see if it had any negative effects before eating more.

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SHIFT 009: Eternal Equinox

I appreciate everyone who stuck with me during the absence of this series, and i understand for everyone who didn't.

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I'm stuck in a creepy black limbo, able to observe everything but unable to do anything. a silent observer, no interaction. i wish i could do something but i can't.

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A snake and his lizard

"i... uh...i'm stuck." he sighed, looking a little embarrassed. "don't worry buddy! i'll get you down!" the lizard shouted as he began to climb up.

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Dark Moonlight

I dove into the water, and tried to pull him out, but he was stuck to something. i dove a little further and loosened whatever was around his ankles and pulled to the surface. without hesitation, i swam him to the shore.

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Candy Mouse

A mouse with paint in her hair, pencils stuck to her and a brush on her tail came and helped me. "new here? don't worry. it's not too bad here, especially because we do art. hope you enjoy it." she took me to my room, which was brilliant.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 75

There were flakes of snow stuck to his eyelashes. "why? what do you see?" he asked, reaching over his shoulder to retrieve a bolt. sorrin, grinding his teeth. shekka, ready to explode.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 65

Clumps of snow were still stuck beneath his claws, breaking apart and falling to the ground as his fingers shook uncontrollably.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 50

It got stuck halfway. _no. you just got the angle a bit wrong, that's all. pull it out and try again._ she did just that, but the key got stuck in the exact same place again, and no matter how much she wiggled and pushed, it would not go any further.

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Gone Fishing

The latter was now stuck as a dragon. his wife, who now had his power, waspresently stuck as a hare. what a wacky couple they were. he thought of his ownmisguided adventures and chuckled grimly to himself. things happened. thenanother thought struck him.

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