Midnight sun Chapter 3: New beggining

#3 of midnightsun sparrow woke up slowly in a soft bed, soft sheets and with a horrid stench up his nose. slowly he opened his eyes and looked around. he didn't know where he was, he didn't know why he was there....

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A little payback part 1

It was relatively clean, but a strong musk and the stench of lingering gas clung to it. he grunted before his anus opened up, pushing out a long, wet burst of gas over the tiny buizel.

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The Dominion -- Chapter 1

Dust and gun smoke settles in over the field, littered with the cries of the dying, and the stench of the dead. in the haze, multiple groups stumble towards their tents. dragging comrades and helping the wounded to their final resting places.

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Metro 176: Pt.2

If i breathe any of the toxic stenches well, let's just say i wouldn't be the most handsome wolf around. i inspect my gun to notice my barrel of the .357 is bent beyond repair; i discard the broken sidearm as i venture to find allan.

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Unrequited Lovers Ep1

The stench of fresh kill was in the air, her limbs and a bit of her tunic was stained by the blood. the sight of it didn't bother her but the smell was starting to irritate her.

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Troll Hunting

The conversation was cut short as the horses suddenly reared up and both hunters caught a foul stench in the air.

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Scarlet : Trail of Scourge part 3

Scarlet dashed through the trees, she passed a clearing with a giant, ancient oak tree and continued into the forest beyond, scarlet slowed, only when the scent of cats began to grow to a overpowering stench.

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Ragnarok - XVI

Through them the soot poured in like maggots not content to wait for death of natural causes, and turned assassin, their weapons brandishing, their baleful stench, their rotted hissing smothering the air.

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Ragnarok - XI

Shane gagged on stench of rotted eggs and gasoline. it wrapped around him, like a fist, to pin his arms against his sides.

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Hunting Death- Confronted Again

I grumble a complaint but obey, deciding to grab my stuff and take it out of here so that i don't have to deal with the stench of this place again. and unfortunately when i step out again to get some fresh air i find myself greeted by rophan.

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The Hyena’s Concubine CH9

Mheetu gagged on the hyena's shit, tears running down his cheeks from the combined stench of hyena waste and the penal mine's natural odor. he looked back at his fellow lions, laying bound the ground behind him.

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Competitive Spirit

The stench of long digested chocolate, milk, and cake assaulted the teen's nostrils, making her pinch her nose. she had to endure this for a total of four seconds before the gale faded out of existence. "your turn." the ginger stated in a sweet tone.

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