The Hyena’s Concubine CH9

Story by muzzlesndiapers on SoFurry

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#9 of The Hyena’s Concubine

CH9 of The Hyena's Concubine.

Simba sank into the bath as Marie and Veldetta scrubbed his fur.

"Ah today's the day.", Marie said as she cleaned Simba's belly fur, playfully rubbing the shemale's nipple as Veldetta leaned the lion back, rubbing shampoo into his red mane.

"Yes we'll move back home to the Elephant Graveyard, the clan will maintain control over the Pridelands, and there'll be plenty of meat.", Veldetta said, running her paws into Simba's mane.

"What is the Elephant Graveyard like?", Simba asked, curious about the hyena's homeland.

"A desolate land.", Veldetta answered. "Little food, less water."

"Where's Shenzi?", Simba asked, wondering where the matriarch was, having been absent from their bed when he awoke earlier that morning.

"Overseeing a few last minute details, dearie.", Marie replied, scrubbing Simba's breasts clean.

Simba shuddered, both from the bristles running over his nipples and the thought that he may never see his home again.

"Unhand me, you stinking bitches!", Sarabi shouted as she was laid on the floor in front of Shenzi.

"I should think you'd be happy for a change of scenery after more than a day of staring at my ass.", the matriarch chuckled. "Though my ass is indeed magnificent."

"You dirty...ack!", Sarabi began, before Shenzi shut her up by pissing in her mouth.

"Now, toilet, I'm here to inform you of our impending move back home.", the hyena said, tucking her cock back under her dress.

"Good, run back to that sewer where you belong!", Sarabi shouted.

"You're one to talk about sewers, seeing as you are my toilet.", Shenzi retorted, lifting her dress and placing her asshole over the lioness' s mouth.


_ _

"Now we'll be leaving later this evening.", Shenzi explained, the sweetness in her voice contrasting sharply with the bitter taste of the shit flowing into the former queen's mouth.

_This vile monster will pay for what she has done one day, _Sarabi thought as she was compelled to lick the hyena's hole clean.

After drying off, Simba walked back into the royal bed chambers, looking at the hyenas milling about, taking everything that wasn't nailed down, and a few things that were.

"Well don't these hyenas look busier that a colony of meerkats on Digging Day.", Timon mused as he and Pumbaa materialized next to Simba.

Simba and the two spirits stopped outside the bedchamber, moving aside as four hyenas exited, carrying a large crate.

"Hello gorgeous.", Shenzi said, stepping through the doorway, giving Simba a quick peck on the lips. "I'll be back after we get the in-laws settled for the trip back home."

Simba shuddered as the crate was carried past him, its size and the noises coming from inside it leading him to suspect that his mother was in it.

"Do go gather your things and get them to the bonnacon.", Shenzi said, kissing him again. "I've a few last minute details to work out."

Zira fled down the street, blood flowing from the stump where her paw had once been.

"Those vermin will rue the day they betrayed us, Scar.", she whispered as she grabbed a sheet from a clothesline as she ran under it, wrapping it around her bloody stump.

"Halt!", a hyena shouted as he stepped in front of her, a sheathed sword in his paw.

Zira bowled into the hyena, ramming her stump into his gut, knocking him to the ground.

She pulled the saber from his paws and continued fleeing as a couple of arrows struck the cobblestones next to her feet.

_How dare these mutts attack me, I'm supposed to be their queen, that was the deal, _she thought as she ran towards the gate, noticing to her horror, a bonnacon, one of the hyena's massive, poison spewing war beasts, was standing outside the city entrance.

_Scar, help me please, _she prayed as looped the bandolier over her shoulders and unsheathed her stolen sword.

"Ahhhhhh!", she screamed as she charged towards the gate, saber held high.

"MMMmmpph!", Mheetu screamed in frustration as he was assfucked by a well-endowed female, while a male hyena pressed his ass against his mouth and began shitting down his throat.

"Perhaps this'll teach you to back talk, eunuch!", the hyenas laughed as they humiliated the bound lion.

Mheetu gagged on the hyena's shit, tears running down his cheeks from the combined stench of hyena waste and the penal mine's natural odor.

He looked back at his fellow lions, laying bound the ground behind him.

"If any of you neutered bitches decide to show us defiance...", the hyena in charge of the mine warned, cracking her whip for emphasis.

Simba looked through his new wardrobe, seeking something less effeminate.

Hmmm, _he thought. _No pants.

_ _

He looked at himself in the mirror, staring at his breasts and tiny cock.

_I still can hardly believe that's me, _he thought, looking at his reflection.

He rummaged through the clothes, finally settling on a matching blouse and skirt set, its color matching his mane.

Simba dressed himself, securing the skirt with a gold-colored sash, then started combing his mane.

"You seem to be adapting nicely.", Timon said as he and Pumbaa appeared next to the former prince.

"As well as can be expected I suppose.", Simba replied, turning to watch as the hyenas packed up his things and took them towards the bonnacon.

"Maybe living at the Elephant Graveyard with the hyenas won't be so bad.", Pumbaa suggested.

"I hope so.", Simba said.

"Beautiful as ever.", Shenzi said as she entered the room, strutting up to Simba and kissing him lustfully on the mouth.

Simba moaned as Shenzi's tongue explored his mouth whilst her paws slide around the lion's slender form.

"You like that girl?", Shenzi asked teasingly as she broke off the kiss. "There's plenty more to come."

Simba blushed as his little dicklet stiffened and his boi pussy moistened, silently begging for his queen's cock.

"You just finish dressing...", Shenzi said, handing the little lion a matched set of stockings and corset. "...and I'll be sure to attended to you on the bonnacon."

Simba quickly dressed himself as Shenzi exited the room, his sissy clitty still hard.

"At least you'll never want for rearranged insides.", Timon chuckled as he looked at Simba.

The former prince blushed, quickly turning away to finish packing.