In Loving Memory- Demona.

She opened her cloak as she approuches the bar, removing it to reveal a pair of intriguingly unusual wings along with her figure, sporting feathers and scales on batlike wings.


Chump Change

A pair of police cruisers sped past them in the opposite direction a few miles down the road, but besides that, they encountered no other traffic before reaching the highway around noon, the sports bags and briefcase piled neatly on the back seat.

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Race Weekend

Just like any other sport." a pause. "not that auto racing is like any other sport. i'm just saying that ... if you can follow one sport, you can follow ... " he went quiet. what was he trying to say again? shut up, perry. shut up. the skunk nodded.

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Blake's Daily Life: First Day of School

Thomas, "well, i'll tell you this, i used to be a football player before deciding to take my studies more seriously, other than to focus on sports and become a brain dead jock." some of the students started laughing in response.

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #2 - Shaking It Up

One of the last releases for the calicovision was a six-button controller that was slated for a line of team sports games such as baseball, basketball, and soccer.

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Fursona High: Chapter 1 Unexpected Invitations

Tom would always break out in a cold sweat whenever the main subject of the conversation was sports, so the fox would stay silent. sports were definitely not the fox's strong suit; they were almost like his weakness.

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JTB ch5: Crossroad

_at the end of the sports festival_ seiya: "that was one sports festival, huh jun?" jun: "yeah..." seiya: "aw, don't be so hard on yourself. all you did was trip."

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The new kid

sporting achievements, academic achievements and all manner of stuff that mattered so little to phil it may as well not have been said.

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15,000 Foot Plummet to Electrified Barbwire

**please note, this story does not intend any negativity to the sports team the jaguars, i just chose an animal i wanted to write about, and it turned out there was a real sports team by the same name.** the mascot of the jaguars couldn't hold in his fright

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The Final Drive

The nmv was no longer toying with him as it had been, it was going full speed, a speed to match the sports car, the only advantage lance had was superior handling.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 17)

Since this marks the beginning of the spring sports season for all sports, every member of every sports team was excused from seventh period and ushered into the gymnasium. hafsa overlooks the wide space with an almost neronian sense of gratification.

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Therian Intro (working title)

Then he said you had half the sports teams beat up the friend of someone else who was bothering you." richard still carried on eating. neither rumour was true. at least not quite like dominic had said. "well?"

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